Just hangin' out....
So what do think the appeal is to just hangin' out? Being surrounded by friends? Socializing?
Are we not solitary creatures? Maybe, sometimes...probably to fuel our souls. Individuality is so important in the sense that we must have self awareness, rationality and sapience. But then...what good is that for self-survival? See...we have a tight interwoven connection. We need companionship. We need to communicate. We need each other. It is innate in us to be so. It enhances our own odds of survival. How wonderful is it to express yourself and exchange ideas, thoughts and feelings? Pretty damn good! We have a desire to be understood and understand others, even if out of mere curiosity. We want to influence and even manipulate aspects of our lives with our intelligence. We simply want to feel valued and loved. We want to enjoy the wonderful things that exist. For why would it be necessary to just put forth hard work and not experience the fruits of your labor? That time of reprieve, fun, relaxation and social interaction is tremendously beneficial to us on multiple levels. Re-energized, re-motivated and re-inspired, will enhance our lives to the next platform. So...the next time someone asks you, "what are you up to?" And you say..."just hangin' out". Make sure your enhancing that hangin' out with a few friends and energize your soul with quality fun!
Wanna hang?
Wild Child

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Hangin' Out...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Friday, April 29, 2011
My Mojo...
What is my Mojo? ...
But a secret flow, though...
I was so excited...I was like, whoa! ...
Got to send my peeps, a memo...
Filled with gusto! ...
All my hard work was so-so...
Burning both ends of the candle aglow...
You reap what you sew is my motto...
Sometimes you got to chill out and be mellow
Things will happen, poco a poco...
With talent and perseverance, a great combo...
Nothing's too hard to swallow...
I hear you clap and say bravo...
But I'm just a real girl, not a hero...
Got a big koolaid smile and I glow...
People say you did great and take that lasso...
Go grab that pot of gold, at the end of your rainbow! ...
-Liz ; )
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A Secret...
Want to know a secret? Hmmm...I am the secret. The secret you seek. I am the caramel to your butter pecan (I had to go there)... the rum in your coke...the whip cream to your strawberry...the prize in your cracker jacks (do they still sell those?). Yeah, I have other secrets. I can't really share those...too juicy! Only my special one, will know my deepest darkest naughtiest sexiest spiciest...and then some. Stop skimming the surface of the crowd, for within there...is your secret. Whatever secret you wish to fulfill. Within reach, put your hand out and the one will grab on. Secret lover, secret friend, secret confidant, secret supporter, secret admirer, secret sugar daddy or mommy, secret fetish, secret craving or just the secret to your heart! Which leads to the key to your heart...then you can just bypass skipping on the yellow brick road. Who's got time to mess with the wicked witch...unless she's your secret wicked witchy poo. I love...thinking about the possibilities of what's out there. Exciting to divulge or expose something that no one knows, but you. Don't deny your urge. It's there....
Shhhh...I won't tell, your secret is safe with me!
Don't we deserve to earn a lovely surprise?
Shhhh...I won't tell, your secret is safe with me!
Don't we deserve to earn a lovely surprise?
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Clipped Wings...
I envision a free spirit, as a magnificent bird that glides gracefully through life. Unaware of it's amazing beauty and it's ability to see the world with untarnished eyes. It doesn't know the advantages it has over others and sometimes oblivious to the reality of things. It's majestic wingspan is the true power of it's being. Until a tragedy happens, painfully damaging that which makes it angelic, its wings forced to get clipped. Debilitating to its soul... it becomes a sad pathetic creature unable to exhibit the strength, grace and beauty it was once had. Existence can feel like windless days , lacking the life force and magic that guides its direction. Nurturing and fortitude could still allow the spirit to experience a fruitful existence...as long as it remembers its true purpose in life. Do you nurture and tend to that which needs you most? Do you allow it to wither away into a lifeless existence? Or does your need of survival take over? Instincts...your number one advocate will push at your lowest deepest hardest characteristic... uttering an aroused interest to produce an effect that will validate and emancipate your vital force.
Your life force...
Dauntless you...
Valiant flying...
My divine partners in flight...
-Liz ; )
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Torch: Contest Entry...
This is Torch...
My contest entry into the Munnyworld Contest...
He is a phoenix in flight to Heliopolis, the sun city of Egypt.
To drop his egg in the fire of his demise, to be re-born again.
Inspired by and representing the endless creative fire that lives in the spirit of all artists.
Although it's close to the deadline...
Feel free to like him on facebook...
Recognition is most important for me anyway...
I hope you enjoy!!!
Here's the link...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
My Flavor: I'm the Real Thing in Stereo
Ready for more? ...
So... Are you ready for more? I am just getting started. Am I tired yet? Hmmm, no!
What am I talking about? Well, I know you're thinking it's sex. Dirty gutters... Get your mind right!!! People are so predictable. Don't you know me by now? I guess I still need to reveal much more, is basically what you're implying. My mind isn't always on sex! Okay...well, maybe quite a bit if I write about it...but then you must too, since your hanging out with me!!! How many people do you know that have told you as much as I have? Small handful, I guarantee that! Sometimes, when you start a project you don't realize what goes into it, until you're into it! And you think to yourself, what I have gotten into? Yeah...you're grinning right now, we've all done it. Some of us, do put thought into it and still come out thinking that way. I'm grateful right now for one trait I have...RELENTLESS!!! Some would say I'm compulsive, and maybe I am, maybe they go hand in hand. To be relentless requires a stubborn neurotic personality, incapable of just letting things happen on their own. I try to do that...just falls through for me, literally and figuratively. So...Are you ready for more? Don't think I'm through with you guys. Hopefully, your not through with me either. You know... peaks and valleys? I got them too, I do know the really great stuff, out of me... is yet to come. So don't abandon me, I've still got lots of love for you left!
Yeah...lot's of love...
What am I talking about? Well, I know you're thinking it's sex. Dirty gutters... Get your mind right!!! People are so predictable. Don't you know me by now? I guess I still need to reveal much more, is basically what you're implying. My mind isn't always on sex! Okay...well, maybe quite a bit if I write about it...but then you must too, since your hanging out with me!!! How many people do you know that have told you as much as I have? Small handful, I guarantee that! Sometimes, when you start a project you don't realize what goes into it, until you're into it! And you think to yourself, what I have gotten into? Yeah...you're grinning right now, we've all done it. Some of us, do put thought into it and still come out thinking that way. I'm grateful right now for one trait I have...RELENTLESS!!! Some would say I'm compulsive, and maybe I am, maybe they go hand in hand. To be relentless requires a stubborn neurotic personality, incapable of just letting things happen on their own. I try to do that...just falls through for me, literally and figuratively. So...Are you ready for more? Don't think I'm through with you guys. Hopefully, your not through with me either. You know... peaks and valleys? I got them too, I do know the really great stuff, out of me... is yet to come. So don't abandon me, I've still got lots of love for you left!
Yeah...lot's of love...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Going Solo...
Yeah...so I'm going solo right now...
It's all good though...
Getting to know a lot of new people...
A SELECT few I can call friends...
Cause, I am selective...
Surprisingly, it's been just as hard...
As it's been easy to make friends...
They can be indifferent...
Cause they don't take the time to get to know me...
Either, they're very receptive to my outgoing personality...
Or, they're overly eager, if you know what I mean? ...
I'm like...take a chill pill Mannnn!!!
What are we...in high school?
I appreciate enthusiasm...
But let's not go overboard...
Don't think I won't rock the damn boat!...
And push you over...
I don't think so...back off!!!
So it was really, back the f*ck up!...
I've had to get a bit feisty...
Some would say aggressive...
I laugh it off now...
Wasn't so funny at the time...
But I guess...
It comes with the territory...
What's a girl to do? ...
It's all good...
Cause I'm...
Going solo...
-Liz ; )
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Say what?...
You heard me!!! Say what?...Who are you talking to? Do I look like I give a shit? I don't have time for this nonsense. You sound like you're trying to convince yourself. Actions speak louder than words. You earn my respect, when you earn it! When you show me that your word actually means something other then just blah blah blah. People, what's so hard about being yourself? Being honest? Being straightforward in how you deal with others? I don't expect you to be perfect. I don't expect you to expect me to be perfect. No one is going to like you all the time, so stop being so damn afraid of what others think and just be yourself for once. I can see right through you and anyone else that has a brain bigger than a pea can see you, yeah even the dummies see you're a fool! It's just sad, that you put up this whole front of being something that you're not. Depriving yourself of you and depriving the world of the real you...probably someone fantastic. Why should I give a crap? If you don't?
Say what?
You heard me...
Say what?
You heard me...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Today I Choose
Today I choose to walk through a littoral moment in my life with no doubt, with true conviction, commanding only self-respect first and foremost…
Becoming myself at full volume and hopefully infecting everyone with enthusiasm and a lust to live life to the fullest…
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Food for thought...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
"My Match"
My soul cries
To find it’s perfect match
A true soul mate
If there even exists such a fate
Feeling like the grey
That is today
Tears equaling
No, possibly surpassing
The endless drops
Of the daily norm
Of this rain storm
That fills my buckets
Buckets of...
Buckets of...
That, I may never find
That equals my soul
A heart that he gladly stole
And took the steepest toll
Triggered by the lovemaking of the mind
Nirvana of a special kind
Released by the comfort of a chatterer
And sexy words of a flatterer
Tastier than my weakest fix
That weakens the Haus and it's Brik's
Filled with a new peace
And a new piece
That weakens the Haus and it's Brik's
Filled with a new peace
And a new piece
Cocoa, a dark chocolate?
A man, the sweetest bliss
Do not be blind
You will know and find
That which has more importance
Bares no hindrance
Heart and mind in balance
Bares no hindrance
Heart and mind in balance
True value
For real love too
To this thing we call life
Which exists so much strife
For real love too
To this thing we call life
Which exists so much strife
You will understand
Before you die
Before you die
A soul that speaks the language
Our language
The language of you and I
For the foreign will never understand me
Of the language I speak
Except the man and his soul
Who is truly free
The mirror of my soul
The mirror of my soul
My match
To just be
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Life as a Brikhaus...(poetry)
Wish You Were Here...
How I wish you were here...to keep me company in person. To hear your voice speak melodiously to me, as I imagine it sounds. Somehow warming me all over with the fuzzy feeling of goodness. (You whisper in my ear) Yeahhhh, just like that! I'm right aren't I? Maybe we just chill on a couch and just hang like friends do. Glass of wine and some great conversation around life. We laugh and joke about some stupid things we've done, but we know as we tell the story we have no regrets and we'd probably do it again. We talk about lovers and juicy sexy tidbits of romps in the hay, wiping away the drool from our chins. (Remember the time you?...) The romps are the best part of our conversation. Well...actually, the best part of the conversation is us. (You feel that?...) The natural flow of our interaction...we can finish our conversations like they were pre-written speeches. We have this connection, that was meant to be, meant to have purpose. I likes...I especially like the looks we give each other... casual but not, deep hidden meaning. (I know you feel me!...) Only we get it...I likes. Inside joke... for the original jokesters, sorry...that's all folks. For now, I just imagine your presence and that's good enough until we can see each other. (We will see each other?...) Somehow you can still work your magic in warming me up when I was filling a bit cold, a bit foolish, a bit lonely, a lot vulnerable. When things are said that my mind coaxed me, when the loving flow should have been enough. We can talk all day or just chat for a bit...but it always makes my day. When the day is over and done, my favorite part is the late night fun. When you react to my tone and remind me, I am all that I feel and feel all that I am. All I can do is be comforted by your words...Nite Baby.
But...I still... wish you were here...
But...I still... wish you were here...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Friday, April 22, 2011
I'm Listening...
I know you think I'm not paying attention to you, but I am. My mind is intercepting the information you're feeding me and processing it very quickly. Yes, you got it...multitasking. What I'm realizing is, how two individuals can have such a different interaction based off the same conversation. How you can be so emotionally involved while I'm so emotionally detached or vice versa. The dynamics of a relationship fall between the two ends of the spectrum. Let's say one end if fully engaged and the other not engaged at all. You can both be non-engaged and become engaged, slowly move through the spectrum towards the middle...key here is moving in the same direction and being in the same place at the same time mentally/emotionally to connect. Or, if one is very engaged in the other person while one is not...there is that possibility as they move towards the center that they make a connection. Or, okay well I could give many scenarios, but I won't. It's disappointing when the excitement and energy exists for only one...what does the other person do? Work towards the connection while the desire is lacking and hope that maybe possibly shoulda woulda coulda...will happen? Keep it moving and just disregard? See...what I'm getting at is, that you are a reflection of the other person. Your energies bounce off each other. Excitement, lust, love, laughter, whatever it may be...they feel as a result of you and thus reciprocate it. Regardless of what you may feel, it exists, it occurs, it matters. Do we embrace it, understand it and evolve into... It? It being...a friendship vs. a love affair, for example. Is a connection supposed to happen? Are we meant to give something to each other? Something lacking? Something learned? Do we ever take the time to find out? Should we? Maybe I'm being too deep...I don't know. Out of the thousands of people we will interact with in our lifetime, I can' help but think that when we make certain connections with people...there is a deeper meaning to it. Consciously we just don't see it or get it, if only we did. What did you say? Yes, I'm listening....
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
A stinkin' Onion...
I can be goofy! What am I saying? ...I am goofy! You better ask somebody...you have no idea!!! As intense and serious as I am, I am just as silly and goofy. You probably wouldn't recognize me. I may not look as pretty when I'm silly...but was I meant to be? Perfectly pretty all the time? What? Check yourself....not happening, my peeps. Remember...I AM DEEPER THAN THE SURFACE!!! I got more layers than a stinking onion and I can make you cry far worse! I'm too damn complicated for my own good. The layers are as diverse as the types of onions. I am mild...I can be raw...I can even be pungent... or sweet and mellow...I can have delicate heat or damn, be quite hot! I am many flavors. I'll keep you interested though...hahaha. I've only just begun skimming the surface of ME, a devil to peel!
So...stick around if sweetness is not the only flavor your taste buds enjoy.
I may be the recipe of choice...
; ) Liz
So...stick around if sweetness is not the only flavor your taste buds enjoy.
I may be the recipe of choice...
; ) Liz
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
In search of...
How you doing? I'm not too bad, you know me. I've been thinking a lot. So what's new right? Yeah, whatever...It is what it is. I'll take deep thought over mindless, any day. Since this has begun, my transition...I live in a state of contemplation. Sometimes I question whether or not that's a good thing. What makes one person more pensive than another? Why is one not fulfilled, unless they decipher and break down every concept into meaningful substance? Why do we have to make sense of it all? Why? Why? Why? Because...just because. Yes, that simple...just because. I recognize, it is the fiber of my being to do that, to be that way...to maybe even feel more, or more deeply is better said. I don't claim to have more feelings than another or that my feelings are more important. What I mean to say is that...I seek deeper meaning because I am not happy with less than that. That my mind must connect with my heart in a unified balance that allows me to feel content in knowing...in understanding...in loving...in acknowledging my purpose and my meaning for myself.
In search of...
In search of...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My Destiny...
This hit home...
Home is my heart...
It is the place where I feel safe...
Where I feel secure in what I know to be...
No interpreting...
No translating...
Following the heart...
Just being...
My Flavor...
I'm the real thing in stereo...
This is what it feels like...
It feels good...
But...I'm not even at full volume yet...
There are some people out there, that can't even handle me now...
Haha!!! ...
Just you wait...
Until I fully unleash...
On full blast...
I'm gonna leave some kind of trail behind me...
Surely, on deaf ears...
This hit home...
Home is my heart...
It is the place where I feel safe...
Where I feel secure in what I know to be...
No interpreting...
No translating...
Following the heart...
Just being...
My Flavor...
I'm the real thing in stereo...
This is what it feels like...
It feels good...
But...I'm not even at full volume yet...
There are some people out there, that can't even handle me now...
Haha!!! ...
Just you wait...
Until I fully unleash...
On full blast...
I'm gonna leave some kind of trail behind me...
Surely, on deaf ears...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
My Flavor: I'm the Real Thing in Stereo
Lost in Translation ...
Why am I sticking my tongue out? Hahaha...you of course! You're a piece of work...I can tell. Or should I say a piece of artwork??? You know...like when you see a painting for the first time. You're not quite sure how to interpret it. You got a feeling, a vibe, a perception...instinctively. Love that word...can you tell? I use it a lot. Trying to hone in on that natural skill that we seem to dismiss constantly. Why is that? Damn analytical mind...always trying to take over the process. Back to interpreting...which we all do so differently, too many factors skew our interpretation, a product of our environment. So if we can just look to the real beauty of it, for what it is...beautiful onto itself, then why interpret it? In time...it will reveal itself to us. There is no guesswork, no misconceptions, and no false ideas. The revelation is the best part...for what it reveals is more a revelation onto the interpreter and what we do with the interpretation. You follow? But the catch here is...I'm a piece of artwork too! So this two sided coin leaves much to interpretation...the natural skill of the interpreters will determine if the revelation gets Lost in Translation...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Bedroom Eyes...
My love...I am not angry. What you see, you must recognize. You must, or you are surely blinded by other distractions. It is not love at first sight. Yes, it feels like a ton of bricks hit you. No, the Brikhaus did not toss any at you. My desire is so deep, it pains me. The ache travels from my mind all the way through my being. I cannot quench the thirst by any means. Where love is blind...lust will gouge your eyes out. Consuming every fiber of your being. Where lust only begins it, love ends it. I can only give you the lust I seek in return...in time will come the love. When I learn you my love and still lust you, will you then, have me all. What you see in my eyes, is my desire. If you cannot see me for me, then you do not deserve my heart in any way, nor any part of my being. My love...I am not angry. What you do not see, you must recognize. It was not meant to be.
You and me...
You and me...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
You get it...
There is my hope...that in time, I will be able to accomplish and experience all the things that will make me happy and fulfilled. I realize, happy is a grey area. Is one ever completely happy? We desire a level of happiness and fulfillment but when we reach it, we sometimes still feel a void. The void is...the desire of something else we covet. So when does it end? Ultimately...I choose the concept of content, a much better word then happy. No one can be happy 100% of the time. Being content is understanding that you feel fulfilled the majority of the time, appreciative of what you have, what you've accomplished, what you've experienced in life, understanding that you can't have it all or have it your way, making the most of what you have, going after what you want with honesty and integrity, having patience, trusting that things will work itself out and that it's all relative in comparison. When you GET this... you Get it!
You get it...
It's called piece of mind...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I'm still here...
Really? Where am I going to go? I'm like a permanent fixture in your life. I will always be in your background. I'm upfront, large and in charge in my world. In yours, quietly maintaining an invisible presence. I do this out of my love for you. I do this out of love for myself. I do this out of necessity. The necessity to fulfill other needs that are most important right now. Needs that will have a long term positive effect on our lives. Needs that will enable me to give even more of myself, my true self. You will be thrilled at what you find is possible in our lives. You will be amazed at the love you will receive. You will be ecstatic that I will give myself to you fully. You will wonder where I've been your entire life...you will. In the meantime, I'm still here. Where am I going to go? I will always be in your background. Waiting for you to find me...your love, your true love. Hoping, I will no longer have to maintain an invisible presence. So together our love can be upfront, large and in charge in our world.
Do this out of your love for me, out of your love for yourself. Do this because you need me.
As I need you...
Do this out of your love for me, out of your love for yourself. Do this because you need me.
As I need you...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Even one life...
To laugh often and much...
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends...
To appreciate beauty...
To find the best in others...
To leave the world a bit better...
To know even one life has breathed easier because you lived...
This is to have succeeded...
All the best...
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends...
To appreciate beauty...
To find the best in others...
To leave the world a bit better...
To know even one life has breathed easier because you lived...
This is to have succeeded...
All the best...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
In the Midst of Trials...
In the midst of trials and tribulations, is when you have to dig deep for the courage and strength to overcome your obstacles…
What you will find is that you are more capable of doing what you feared you could not, and that you always had the power to harness your destiny in the direction you were meant to fulfill…
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Food for thought...
To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering one must love.
But then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer.
To be happy is to love.
To be happy then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy.
Therefore, to be happy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.
So...you can't get away from it!!!
To avoid suffering one must love.
But then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer.
To be happy is to love.
To be happy then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy.
Therefore, to be happy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.
So...you can't get away from it!!!
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I guess you can say that's me. At least I've been told that, although I never really viewed myself in that light. I prefer no label, but that would be a great label to have. Fortunate and blessed to have a few talents. I love to doing diverse things. I wish I could find the time to do them all. I play the flute and piano. I sculpt, paint and draw. I'm a really solid cook, people tell me all the time to open a restaurant or market my food. I love interior design and do my own faux painting. I studied cosmetology after college. Yeah well, cutting hair is artistic and I had to out of curiosity. I love writing, that's a given. I love photography, something I desire to grow in. Speak Spanish and English fluently, a bit of French. I'd love to learn how to play the guitar, speak Latin and Italian. Thinking of going back to school and study the arts further. Quite a mix of things, so yeah I need to get busy living it up some more and learning it up!!! So little time...I wish I could replicate myself to do them all!!! Maybe I'll bump into you in the near future, that would be amazing!
See ya around the world...
See ya around the world...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Can you?
I can change...John Legend
Can you?
Or question is...are you willing to?
For her?
For him?
The one...
The one for you...
You know she's the one...
You know he's the one...
You feel it in your heart...
That feeling in the pit of your stomach...
Yeah, no one sees it but you feel it...
No, it's not...
Not really...
The love is deep...
It's real...
Once in a lifetime...
Lucky if it's twice...
You don't walk away from that...
Ever ...
The love of your life...
The one...
That's special...
Some people search their entire life for that...
And never find it...
Are you willing to make the change?
Can you?
Can you?
Or question is...are you willing to?
For her?
For him?
The one...
The one for you...
You know she's the one...
You know he's the one...
You feel it in your heart...
That feeling in the pit of your stomach...
Yeah, no one sees it but you feel it...
No, it's not...
Not really...
The love is deep...
It's real...
Once in a lifetime...
Lucky if it's twice...
You don't walk away from that...
Ever ...
The love of your life...
The one...
That's special...
Some people search their entire life for that...
And never find it...
Are you willing to make the change?
Can you?
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
A Love Jones: Toxic Psychic Aphrodisiac
Live simply...
Life is a harmless enigma made terrible by ourselves in our own crazy attempt to interpret it...In my transition I have begun to make lifestyle changes in order to simplify my life. All I desire is simplicity. Growing up in New York, how can you not be fast paced? It's how we do. Everything from eating, to working, to exercising, to driving, to partying, to loving, to everything. I mean sh*t... slow your roll people! You can't really be enjoying life at that pace! You can't even tell me what you ate for lunch yesterday! Go ahead and tell yourself that's the life you want, maybe it is. Who am I to tell you how to live it? I think of my cousin who passed away last November. He was young, only 38. Two kids under the age 5 and his wife, that he left behind. Complained of a headache that day and later that evening rushed to the hospital. Died of aneurism that burst in his brain. It makes me think how we push aside family, or special events because we're too busy. Don't completelly change your life. I mean, I did because it suited my situation, my own personal needs and desires. Just evaluate...even a few small changes can make a big difference. Simplicity...is underrated. I'm working my way towards that and old habits die hard, it's a struggle to change a mindset when you've lived your whole life a certain way.
Live simply...
Live simply...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Sometimes I just feel...mellow, doleful, melancholy, pensive, gloomy, reflective, sad, rueful, blue, sighful, dismal, woeful, joyless, sorrowful, heavyhearted, wailful, unhappy, lamentable, dreary, lugubrious, somber, triste, dejected, down in the dumps...you know what I mean right? It'll pass...
-Liz ; )
-Liz ; )
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
The Stigma of Writing Erotica....
I came across this article written by Petula Caesar, author of published erotica.
Although my story is not like hers, I completely was able to empathize with some of the poignant points she discussed. Society has this distorted view of sex because of how sex is exposed and manifested in the media. There is a stigma attached to writing erotica, but I have yet to experience that. Probably because I'm green and I haven't felt any lash back yet. Again, as an artist, I did not choose to write this...it chose me, it speaks to me , therefore I write it. I hope it speaks to others and touches others. I will continue to write it until something else moves me more. If you have time for a quick read, check out the link below...
Share your thoughts???
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Risqué Aficionado: Obscene Obsession
Friday, April 8, 2011
Love without lies...
I'm so sorry that I loved you so much, completely giving you all of my soul and being. I knew no other way to love. You were my earth Angel. I lived a life safely flying in between your wings and protected by your love. You were the only truth and pure thing I knew, my only way to exist. I had forgotten how to exist on my own. My soul ripped the day you tore away the other half of my heart. I'm now afraid to love again. To trust again. To share myself again. Here you see me, picking up the broken pieces of my life. Here you see me, trying to leave behind all the things that I failed. Here you see me, trying to find the desire to love again that I've lost. Here you see me, trying to reach deep in my being to make this happen. It's not so easy for me. I am letting my wounds heal, so I can live a life without lies, so I can experience a love without lies.
All I want is to love without lies...
All I want is to love without lies...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
You woo me...
You love me...you woo me, you caught me, you tease me, you please me, you school me, you give me things to think about... invite me, ignite me, you like me, incite me....
You're different and special in every way imaginable...
When you touch me, I just can't control it, I just can't hold it...
That's what I'm saying...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
A Love Jones: Toxic Psychic Aphrodisiac
Sealed with a kiss...
I'm feeling your love...yes, I am. Don't think I will ever forget that you were there for me during my time of hardship. This is when you truly see who your real friends are, the ones who reach out for you and check on you. The ones who know, that even when you say you're okay and things are fine, that deep down you're not. That you're only trying to appear strong because you don't want to be a burden on others. The ones that love you through thick and thin. When they haven't heard from you in months, they don't wait on you and make excuses that phone calls go both ways. They just are who they are. Up close, personal and loving. I owe you my gratitude for being the stronger partner in the friendship when I couldn't be. I will love you always and be indebted to you. Hopefully, one day when you're in need I can reciprocate and be there to hold you up. With all my love, I would gladly do it for you my friend... ; )
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
What you looking at?...
Yeah, you heard me...I said what you looking at? One of my famous lines. That's how I met my best friend in high school. We were in the same English class and he was constantly flipping around checking me out. Of course, being obnoxious as I was, gave him attitude and asked what you looking at? He laughed it off but I'm sure he would tell you what a pain in the ass I was. LOL! We go at it too, intense sometimes, especially chauvinistic stuff. I don't like double standards...Hell no, we won't go!!!
You would think that as a girl, and a shorty I would watch my tongue. No can do!!! It's innate in me to speak up and rarely shut up. I can't help myself. I've calmed down since I've gotten older, well I don't no if calm is the right word. You see, it's just that I'm so feisty. My tongue used to get me in trouble back in the day. So, I improved my communication skills and learned to be politically correct. Of course it's a selective process for me. In my previous life I was a supervisor and managed big teams. Tough love was my tactic...I never wanted people to fear me but they certainly feared being held accountable. I didn't stand for excuses and they had to work smart and not hard, have a gameplan and be ready to execute. I never pulled rank unless I was forced to or somebody tried testing me. The wrath of Liz is not pretty...wicked wicked girl!!! LOL...really not funny though. So, the next time you stop to gawk at a girl just remember she may have a wicked tongue and give you a lashing. I'll be here to tell you...I told you so! You still looking???
Seriously...what you looking at?...
You would think that as a girl, and a shorty I would watch my tongue. No can do!!! It's innate in me to speak up and rarely shut up. I can't help myself. I've calmed down since I've gotten older, well I don't no if calm is the right word. You see, it's just that I'm so feisty. My tongue used to get me in trouble back in the day. So, I improved my communication skills and learned to be politically correct. Of course it's a selective process for me. In my previous life I was a supervisor and managed big teams. Tough love was my tactic...I never wanted people to fear me but they certainly feared being held accountable. I didn't stand for excuses and they had to work smart and not hard, have a gameplan and be ready to execute. I never pulled rank unless I was forced to or somebody tried testing me. The wrath of Liz is not pretty...wicked wicked girl!!! LOL...really not funny though. So, the next time you stop to gawk at a girl just remember she may have a wicked tongue and give you a lashing. I'll be here to tell you...I told you so! You still looking???
Seriously...what you looking at?...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
You were born an original...
Photo of: Ingrid Wrage Szekely
"You were born an original. Don't die a copy"- John Mason
Great photo...
Greater caption...
What a true statement, don't you agree???
Had to share...
"You were born an original. Don't die a copy"- John Mason
Great photo...
Greater caption...
What a true statement, don't you agree???
Had to share...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Risqué Aficionado: Obscene Obsession
Mmmm Mmmm Good...
Lots of goodness going on here. You know? When you're feeling amazing and on top of the world. That's the vibe I'm feeling here. Got that big cheesy smile going on...lol! I don't care what negativity goes down, it's not taking me down with it. I would even kiss my worst enemy, not that I have any but if I did they would get some goooood lovin' too! My euphoria stems from an accomplishment I've had, the completion of my first book!!! I've always had a love for writing since my college days. Who knew I'd write a book. It took something tragic like my divorce, to drive out a passion in me like I never knew. Well, I knew I had the passion, I knew I loved to write, and I certainly knew I was always expressive. What was different was that it was on auto-pilot, it felt more like I was going for a ride than driving the car. I have a friend who I adore, tell me that I was torturing myself and choosing to dwell in a hot stinking mess. That the tortured art syndrome was bullshit! He's a pretty smart guy and insightful at times. The point of his comment was that, when I let go and find love, my real art will flourish because it will be based in love. Beautiful huh? I agree, but I also know that from my own experience that art or creativity stems from both spectrums. All those emotions in between love and hate dwell in us, thrive in us and come to fruition through us in many forms. The day I find love again...well, I'm not looking for it. The desire is there, but it's not in the forefront of my mind driving me everyday to find it, or I'd probably be depressed. I know from experience when you least expect it, it smacks you in the face and hits you hard like a fresh new pair of leather gloves. So...when cupid decides it's my time and this love graces me again, I look forward to how it will impact my art. If indeed it flourishes more intensely in love, then I look forward to what my mind shall imagine and my hands write in words and create in my art.
Peace and love...
*Any thoughts???
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Monday, April 4, 2011
So Serious...
Serious as a heart attack!!! There's a time and place for everything. Sometimes you just have to buckle down and stop fucking around to be quite blunt. Survival is based on being responsible. Although at times we don't want to do things we don't enjoy, they still have to be done. So, what's with the procrastination? Men...have some cojones, when mine are bigger than yours, you got issues. Women...put your big girl panties on and stop crying! We are not all created equal, men have advantages over us and we have advantages over them. As an individual, you have to run with it. Know your capabilities and talents, come up with a game plan, execute and stay focused.What doesn't break us makes us stronger? You got that right!!! ...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Look into my eyes. Stroke my hair. Kiss my forehead. Touch my face. Run your hands up and down my arms. Rub my back gently. Intertwine your fingers with mine. Kiss me on the lips. Will you do that for me? You won't, why? You don't want to be a friend with cuddling benefits! I've never heard of that... Is that like friends with benefits? Really??? Hahaha Oh my goodness that's adorable. I'm so out of the loop. You use to be a cuddle stud? Okay...I'll stop laughing but it's going to be hard!!! You thought it was fun in the beginning until you got blue balls? Stop laughing? I'm sorry, I'm trying, really! Last cuddle bitch was a heartless ninja? Stop laughing? I can't help it, I'm going to piss in my pants!!! I just wanted to connect with you and feel close. You refuse? Okay, I understand...cause you can't handle me...no problem. I'm sure there are plenty of other men who would luvvvve to connect with me. It wasn't that serious. Why are you acting all mad now? Whatever? Don't whatever me...!!! I'm a Cuddle Hoe Fasho? Whatever....Cuddlestud... Where are you going? Outta here? Mannn...what's a girl to do? Wow, that's rough. I can't even get a hug! Thank goodness for pillows and fuzzy warm throws...
; ) Liz
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
The Crave...
The Beggar...Mos Def
I love this song. This one is actually a remix which I thought added a little more funk, I enjoyed it.
When I want to get in a certain zone for my writing, this always works for me.
When you can feel the ache in a song, when it feels deep, you know it was done right.
This makes me crave for IT and all IT entails!!! A love you feel deeply.
So deep that it hurts your entire being.
I want to feel that again for someone and have someone feel it for me.
That makes you feel so alive!!! So desired...so hungry...so fulfilled!!!
Oh yeah baby...just had to share that!
I love this song. This one is actually a remix which I thought added a little more funk, I enjoyed it.
When I want to get in a certain zone for my writing, this always works for me.
When you can feel the ache in a song, when it feels deep, you know it was done right.
This makes me crave for IT and all IT entails!!! A love you feel deeply.
So deep that it hurts your entire being.
I want to feel that again for someone and have someone feel it for me.
That makes you feel so alive!!! So desired...so hungry...so fulfilled!!!
Oh yeah baby...just had to share that!
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
A Love Jones: Toxic Psychic Aphrodisiac
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Erogenous Zone...
I wanted to share this video. Some beautiful captured images of sexuality. There is no way, you can tell me that there wasn't at least one image in this video that didn't stir something in you. Physical beauty and attraction visually stimulates us. As intellectual beings we are also stimulated by specific details in those images that speak to others aspects on a mental level. We are driven to pursue those qualities in the opposite sex which inspire and fulfill us emotionally and spiritually. Your mind...the ultimate erogenous zone.-Liz
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
A Love Jones: Toxic Psychic Aphrodisiac
Is your interest peaked? Mine is too! So what are you curious about? Don't shrug your shoulders and walk away. I was observing your behavior...attentive and inquisitive. You remind me of myself. I have an active mind, observant of new ideas and new people. I'm particularly curious about you, but I could miss the obvious. I'm compelled to know new things. What kind? Well...all kinds. It fuels me to imagine and to create. I'm getting excited just thinking about it. Why are you smiling? Do I amuse you? Yes, I do? I guess I'll take that as a compliment. Since you're alone too, would you like to keep me company and we can explore together? Yes? Awesome! Two minds, two pairs of eyes are better than one. We can discover and master new possibilities, new worlds...together. As a child I remember my curiosity of the sweetness of chocolate...I loved chocolate! And the bitterness of lemon...I loved lemon! I know, I can be quite silly. You remember your curiosity of bugs, ewwww! Of course you do, you're a boy. Now you're trying to understand women? Hahaha...I don't know if I can help you with that. Why? We're kind of complicated, you see. You're patient? That's cute...Well, the best part of discovering is sharing it with someone else. Let's start there first...and we'll see how it's goes...okay? Okay...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Friday, April 1, 2011
F*CK THAT!!! ...
Really?!?!? Get a grip!!! You need to get your head out of your ass!!! Completely clueless...where did that so called intelligence go during our conversation? For someone who is supposed to know me, you don't know jack shit!!! Blinded by the potatoes that are obviously growing between your ears. WTF?!?!? I am so dumb founded right now. I just don't get it, I don't get it. Is it your pride? Your emotions clouding your thoughts? Affecting your ability to reason? Where was the person I knew and grew to love? Where the f*ck did he go? Go back and drag his ass over here because I am NOT dealing with you...the village idiot!!! Let me SKOOL you on women right now... You tell us we're more emotional and we're not tough enough but WE ARE. We are clear headed even when we're emotional. We can decipher those emotions immediately and react to them accordingly. Our display of emotions is a necessary release for us and gives us even more clarity after the fact. Our actions are a reflection of what moves us. We are intense creatures. It takes strength to show raw emotion. You don't have to get it! I'll take my reality over your denial and delusional state of mind any f*cking day! Your inability to show me your weakness, honesty and integrity during a time of tribulation, shows me your lack of strength, cowardess, and manhood. Hiding behind a facade of bullshit that's as big as your cojones. Run along, I don't got time for you little boy...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
My Flavor: I'm the Real Thing in Stereo
Nothing like just chilling. I'm still learning to just chill and enjoy the simple things. You know? Shutting off my brain, tossing the to do list away, and ignoring outside factors that are disrupting. One of my favorite things is to hang by a blazing fireplace on a cold winter day. Peering out the window, all you see are snow banks and a picturesque winter wonderland right out of a story book. Cuddled in a huge fuzzy warm throw and some thick socks keeping your toesies heated. A hot chocolate with some bailey's, fresh hot popcorn with a cheddar topping and a good movie, preferably an action flick like Gladiator...yeahhhhh!!! Or Casino Royale...Or The Italian Job...Or The Departed!!!! Oooooh, a movie marathon?!?!? Hahaha, okay I'll reign myself in. I love to read, so a good book works for me too and if I have friends over some good games. Soon we shift the chillin' to outside babyyyy!!! Summer time will be here soon. Chillin' then becomes...Grillin'? Not!!! Think too much chillin' may be fryin' my brain.
Time to hit that to do list...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
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