Really?!?!? Get a grip!!! You need to get your head out of your ass!!! Completely clueless...where did that so called intelligence go during our conversation? For someone who is supposed to know me, you don't know jack shit!!! Blinded by the potatoes that are obviously growing between your ears. WTF?!?!? I am so dumb founded right now. I just don't get it, I don't get it. Is it your pride? Your emotions clouding your thoughts? Affecting your ability to reason? Where was the person I knew and grew to love? Where the f*ck did he go? Go back and drag his ass over here because I am NOT dealing with you...the village idiot!!! Let me SKOOL you on women right now... You tell us we're more emotional and we're not tough enough but WE ARE. We are clear headed even when we're emotional. We can decipher those emotions immediately and react to them accordingly. Our display of emotions is a necessary release for us and gives us even more clarity after the fact. Our actions are a reflection of what moves us. We are intense creatures. It takes strength to show raw emotion. You don't have to get it! I'll take my reality over your denial and delusional state of mind any f*cking day! Your inability to show me your weakness, honesty and integrity during a time of tribulation, shows me your lack of strength, cowardess, and manhood. Hiding behind a facade of bullshit that's as big as your cojones. Run along, I don't got time for you little boy...
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