Boys, boys, boys!!! Or shall I say men, men, men!!! What's the difference? I know, I've heard...the difference between men and boys is the price of their toys!!! So I ask...what's the difference? Besides that...there is none. LOL...Are some of you getting fired up? That's why I'm grinning. You see...I've learned that you guys never really grow up. Affording more expensive toys is just affording more expensive toys. Don't get your panties all in a bunch. I respect the men who carry well, the weight placed on their shoulders in this life. Possibly something some women will never have to do or will understand, depending on their circumstance. Some women, already do it on their own! Kudos to you! I respect even more, the men who in this day and age can truly share that weight with their significant other...yet, maintain their manhood in tact. It takes a whole lot of treat his woman as equal. Acknowledge her strength as well as her beauty. Wait...I'm not done yet! I respect even more, the men who are capable of communicating well in their relationships. Some of you are great listeners, but to equally share in the dialogue in the most difficult emotional situations can be a huge mountain to climb with us. She may have just as much testosterone...meaning, we don't look remotely masculine but we can have cojones like a man!!! For those of you who have one like that...I'm so sorry, you have to work a bit harder than the rest. And...for the men who do all of this and...maintain their boyish fun loving wild energetic rambunctious overzealous overactive selves!!! I love you!!! Mmmm...creme of the crop!!! I want to be the cherry for that man!!!
Silly men...I am your mamacita
Silly boys...I am your mami
Life would be so boring without you...
-Liz ; )
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