Wild Child

Wild Child

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Being Neutral...

Being neutral...emotionally has it's advantages. Okay, somewhat partially neutral. We're talking about the Brikhaus, not a stone building. Safe to say it applies to you as well. I can't go too long being unemotional or neutral for that matter. Not built that way...implosions, explosions and all sorts of fireworks develop!!! But...through the years I've learned how important it is to take out the emotion of a situation in order to really handle it well, or as it needs to be handled. You see, when emotions are removed than better choices can be made as a result of facts, logic and intelligence. This I did, running businesses and supervising hundreds of employees because... responsibility, accountability and end results were important. When it comes to matters of the heart,  this theory might not necessarily apply as well. Should it anyway? Who am I to say how you should handle your heart. From experience though, I can say I always weigh the pros and cons, logically I do what I think is best and not what my heart feels is best. As a result, I have regrets but in a way that I don't regret. You know? Meaning...things happen for a reason. To dwell on regrets is a waste of time. To contemplate mistakes in order to learn from them, grow from them and move forward from them, that's deep and meaningful. So now...going forward I choose to use emotion and heart, it's personal...this is my life we're talking about. You remember that, when it's critical for you to determine your own happiness. 
Everything else...
Play your cards right...
The difference can be...
Being neutral...

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