Sex, love and money...the equilateral of life, I believe. The world revolves around these three musketeers, indeed. I...being the fourth. I am trapped in this triangle, undeniably impacting every degree of my life. My inventive side is...the real love of my life! These creative juices are at full throttle, it craves stimulation, hoping to make a startling discovery or breakthrough soon. What does that mean? I'm not quite sure...but I'll be ready for it! My sexual side..the energy that surrounds me at the present, lies in desires for real passion and romance, stored for me somewhere, with someone special, reserved for the right time. I am willing to take any opportunities to have some fun and feel alive again. Beginning to feel implosive if I don't. My inclination is to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires that consume me from time to time. I expect my strong sense of adventure will make this a very interesting time in this phase of my life, especially with meeting new people and forming new relationships. My Self-preservation side...the anxiety here plagues me...a restlessness, for lack of a better word. The need to survive solely based on my livelihood. This I know to be a cycle I need to circulate through , in order to retrieve a positive return on investment. I'm patient, this one requires time, consistent effort and nurtured skill sets. This will bring to fruition the real growth in my life...and the equilateral formation of myself.
Then comes...
The sex, love and money...
My life will require...
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