Do you tonight....
Wild Child

Monday, October 31, 2011
A Trick & A Treat...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Risqué Aficionado: Obscene Obsession
Mask Appeal...
Mask Appeal...we choose to conceal our true selves to others or create the real self. Catch is...the wearer only knows the truth! Possibly never revealing their true side, except to a select special few. probably the greatest factor in someone masking themselves in order to protect themselves. As strong as we are...we are just as vulnerable. A mask allows us to live out certain experiences that we might not otherwise have. It has power, because we give it the power. It makes us feel safe somehow, all an illusion of course. Nonetheless...very effective. It has excitement and intrigues us through mystery and the unknown. Eliminates the boring and monotonous existence of our daily lives. TRUTH BE...fantasy is great, but it's just that... fantasy. Unless, you choose to remove the mask and be your true self! TRUTH BE...reality is better, but we don't know that because we might not be living that. TRUTH BE...we're both. What exists behind the mask and what exists without the mask.
Mask appeal....
Your character is fabulous...
Live out your fantasy...
As the real YOU!!! ...
Behind the mask of your life...
One Love
Enjoy All Hallows Eve...
My ghouls, ghosts and goblins
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Treats For Her...
Lube up first, then try...
*Drumming: lightly tap along the length of the labia.
*Stirring: put two fingers inside her (usually the middle and index) and pretend you're stirring something. This effectively stimulates the entire vaginal wall.
*Zig-zag: move one or two fingers gently but rapidly from side to side across the head of the clitoris. You can manipulate the hood across the clitoris to do this if she finds it too intense. Alternately, "march" your fingers- move them as if you're walking really quickly.
*Pressing: with two fingers inside her, put the heel of your other hand on her abdomen, just above her pubic bone and press down. The added pressure feels great- even better if you try it with a strong vibrator.
*The Ultimate: this has some less charming nicknames. "The shocker" and "Two in the goo, one in the poo," to be precise. To do it, insert two fingers (middle and index) into her vagina and another (usually the little finger) simultaneously into her anus. Your other two fingers curl out of the way. It's called "The shocker" because some men do it when their partner's not expecting it. (But you wouldn't dream of doing that, would you now?) Thing is, while some women do get massively turned-on by this, you're probably going to get better results across the board by combining clitoral stimulation with anal (insert a finger inside her anus while giving her oral), or clitoral and vaginal (fingers inside her, thumb circling the clitoris).
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Risqué Aficionado: Obscene Obsession
Friday, October 28, 2011
Treats For Him...
Lube up first, then let him have it...
*Juicing: if he's uncircumcised, hold the loose skin taut at the base of his penis with one hand, hold the shaft with the other, and slide upward. Squeeze and pulse several times on the way up.
*Racking: hold the base of his penis with one hand and his testicles with the other, palms turned to face his body. Now move your hands away from each other- one hand strokes up the shaft, while the other pulls down across his testicles.
*O yes: make the letter "O" with you thumb and index finger, place it around the corona (the ridge around the head) and twist. (Don't worry if he's too big for your fingers to meet.)
*The Piston: when he's fully erect and you don't mind he orgasms, start adding in a few quick hand strokes, from bottom to top and down again, fast and hard. Then go back to whatever you were doing before. The quicker you want him to orgasm, the more you increase the number of piston strokes.
*The Polisher: using plenty of lube, take the base of his penis with one hand and put the open palm of your other hand on top of the head of his penis. Close the top hand around the head and twist to and fro.
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Risqué Aficionado: Obscene Obsession
Thursday, October 27, 2011
"Bon Bon"
...Bon Bon
Oui . Si. Yes. Oh my!
Bon Bon…
You have got
Something doubly good
Can I just say?
You make me drool
I imagine, that you taste
As good as you look
Like, a sweet confection
You took…
My breath away
I did say?
Oui, so good
Darkly rich
I would even dare to say
You would melt in my mouth
Hard shell of a body
Over backwards to have you
Hard pressed to tell
Of my mood
The love of your food
Can I ask, is it just me?
Hard candy. Lollipops.
Sweetmeat. Taffy.
Sugar plums.
Sugar coated almonds.
Fruit flavored candies.
Covered confection.
YOU are
Center of…
My affection
Can I just be, me?
Mon, Bon Bon…
You are mine
I couldn’t agree more
How my sweet gooey
Heart of me
Can only be filled
Sweet you
Ripping. Shredding.
Feels, like it tore
In half
Hearts do
When enrobed, in all that is you
Can you see?
I want you
Peanut butter
Chocolate chip cookie dough
Frozen vanilla ice cream
We all scream
For ice cream
Tongue swirling
For a creamy swig
I’m not the type to…
Reality, will be mine
I get what I want
This isn’t just a…
And, I don’t flaunt
I live
The taunt
Can you feel?
Forget about the couch
Bon Bons
I want to sit on your lap
This candy making
Sweet love baking
CHOCOLATE dip undertaking
Can I just taste you?
Let us be honest
It is no secret
I cannot hide it
Nor, do I look to impress…
Are, the candy
All seek to DEVOUR
That first taste
Is, like no other
You have such POWER
Sweet sensations take over
Me, defenseless
Greedy for more and more
Shoving you into…
My pouty feisty slot
They say…
A moment on the lips
A lifetime on the hips!!
That may be
I certainly hope so
Continuous luscious dips
Creamy dreamy steamy
My naughty …
Oh so, naughty
Can I just say?
I did…
Didn’t I?
Which is code
Man candy
Oui. Si. Yes. Oh My!
Bon Bon...
You have got
Something doubly good
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Hell Hath No Fury...(poetry)
Monday, October 24, 2011
A Bit Bruised...
A bit bruised...yes. Our ego suffers the responsibility of seeing things for what they really are, consciously aware of your true self. We are beings that desire and want what we want...usually, all things that bring us pleasure, happiness, excitement and gratification. Right? Who doesn't want all those things? I'd certainly say that my ego is probably black and blue from the constant beatings of trying to decipher between instant gratification, friendships, relationships and the meaning of it all as it pertains to the language of love. Even life for that matter. Consciously we fight back to control our sense of right, wrong, ideals and spirituality. Almost narcissistic...meaning, we put such demands on ourselves. Being critical and moralizing to a point of guilt, against the natural grain of instinctual behaviors, basic drives and impulses that require satisfaction. I think I've gone enough rounds to throw down my gloves and define my own strength of will, which has been modified long enough by external forces in my world. No more concealing conflicts or harboring anxiety. I either get knocked out or will knock the crap out of this ego and allow the strengths of my passion to come to fruition. No glossing over the finer details of the reality I choose to live in, live with and live for. To release my reservoir of passion for life, to create and to express.
Rigid and unyielding, I will be...
No longer cloaked by the chaos of my ego...
No longer feeling hemmed by the danger of what if's...
A bit bruised...
A bit knocked out...
Possibly, in the next few rounds...
It'll be a damn good fight though...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Get Your Dance On...
Get your dance on...If you were to label what type of dance you were, what would it be? Dance has existed since the beginning of time, before verbal and before written skills existed. We used movement to help us comprehend, shape and make meaning of our world. Rhythmic movement is innate in us. It is a form of self expression and intrinsic to our existence as human beings. I like to think, that each of us has our own unique dance, choreographed by our distinct personalities. Day in and day out we express ourselves, make ourselves heard and order to make a statement as to our individuality. Some of us are graceful, funky, erotic, gritty, cool, technical, silly, mathematical, wild, soulful, sweet, hardcore, sexual, serious, erratic, peaceful and all that jazz!!! Each of us help others to appreciate diversity, beliefs, customs, cultures and places. Our interactions with each other, is our integration of a new unique dance...our own joint performance. Then... my dance with you has now forced me to look outside of myself, discover and develop my imagination and my views in life. It grows respect and love. matter where you're from, at or going... you have to get your dancing shoes on. To choreograph your life and compose the legacy of your song, for which you will be remembered by...requires presentation, demonstration and expression. Those you have touched...will observe, describe, analyze, critique and evaluate you and all that you have offered to their life experience.
You see...
You have influence, regardless whether you choose to or not...
Hear that loud music? ...
That's life! ...
Go get your dance on...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
In Sequence...
In sequence...the succession of events that unfold as your life. Fate...Can we arrange and rearrange this, in order to arrive to the final outcome of our choosing? Or is destiny...the final outcome, inevitable and unchangeable as per themselves, independent of the events that precedes it? I don't have the answer to that, and this could continue on, as a deep and long debate. I do believe in free will. There is no illusion in the fact that we make choices every day of our lives that later impact us. Is it possible that free will and destiny live in harmony? Anything is possible! I know that as we take each step, we live in the moment and we don't always conceive what the next sequence of events will be. We think we know. We even predict correctly, what we think we know. We certainly try to control every aspect of our lives so we can manipulate the direction. So what happens when someone else makes a choice in their life and it impacts us? Uncontrollable, unchangeable, sometimes unpredictable, but nonetheless impacting us. Complete control... is such an illusion. Yes, in our hands is the power to choose...we can choose SOME options. The SUM in our hands, the SUM of what we exist with, resulting from the addition, multiplication and subtraction of the positive, negative and neutrality of our experiences.
The sequence...
The you...
The life full of moments and memories and stories...
That have led you...
To exactly where you are supposed to be...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
"Hot & Spicy" P.12 Ending
Not stopping...
Over the next few minutes I bring him to peak...
I grab his shaft firmly at the bottom...
"Baby, I'm coming"...
I part my lips just enough and keep them over his tip...
Pressing down on my clit, I orgasm as well...
He explodes...
It's warm and thick...
Somewhat sweet...
I swallow as he pours his love juice into my mouth...
Let it drizzle down my throat...
Some drips from my mouth...
I scoop it up with my finger and lick it...
I look at him naughtily...
Gently, I fondle his penis...
"Baby, I'm so turned on right now. Did you enjoy that?" I ask...
"Uhuh", he mumbles...
I smile...
"You felt so good in my mouth. You may be the tastiest thing on this planet", I say...
Leaning forward...
I finish licking his shaft slowly and sweetly...
He watches...
He still seems excited and energized...
"Now that you've fed me my appetizer. I think we can start cooking"...
"Isn't that what we were doing just now?" he asks...
"My sweet sous chef, you are too cute!"...
"That was just prepping for dinner", I respond...
"You mean, now comes the real meal?" he laughs...
"That was sexy and fulfilling love. So you know...I'm still turned on that you enjoyed my come. It makes me want to come again", he passionately states....
"Will we have room for dessert, you think? I love cupcakes"...
I wink at him and grab his hand...
"Baby, there's always room for dessert!"...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
The Salty Sticky Mess...(Erotica Bk 2)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Tasty Tears...
Tasty tears...Yes, tasty because they feel good. You know when you eat something so amazing it wakes up your taste buds and you feel so happy? That's how tears make me feel after I've cried my eyes out!!! Fulfilling an innate need to cleanse my body of poisonous emotions that can break me down, if I let them. Seeping from what feels like a dry well of numbing emotions that make me bitter. As time continues to blend further into my life of Singledom, I understand that frustration is a result of expectation. It is my nature to have expectations and standards because that is who I am and will always be. When I give of myself to my family, my friends and my lover...I give completely. That's my issue...I realize now even more so. Thus, I expect the same in return without ever seeing, if that is even possible for this person. What an individual has had in women before me does not matter. I have my own unique viewpoint on what a friendship/relationship needs to be, will for me, if that is my need...that is what I shall have. Mind you...this may sound like I'm not willing to be flexible, but certainly is not what I'm implying at all. I have to start small and work my way to complete totality. Not every man I'm with will ever see that now, until he has earned it. My last Tear-fest has brought me this new epiphany...this new clarity...this new strength. I can move forward, disconnect if I have to and seek what I need and what I want in life. Someone out there will be...all that my world needs.
Tasty tears...
Don't fight them...
They have purpose...
You WILL... Eventually see past them...
I promise...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
"Hot & Spicy" P.11
Pouty mouth slightly open...
Euphoric face...
He groans and grunts some more...
Repeatedly he says, "Baby, it feels so good. Just like that."...
Unable to resist, I reach down to my precious peak with my left hand...
Rub her with the same intensity as my lips are working...
She's soaked and swollen...
Closing my eyes once again...
I savor every ridge of his erection...
His uniqueness...
His length...
His girth...
I had such an urge to suck his wonderful shaft...
To satisfy my need to taste him...
I can almost feel him inside me...
I imagine it...
His legs get rigid...
Muscles tense...
Labored breathing...
He's going to unload soon...
She's twitching...
I flick my bud so I can release soon too...
Body flinching...
"Oh yeah, just like that baby", he pleas...
I keep going exactly as I am...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
The Salty Sticky Mess...(Erotica Bk 2)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Birthday Sex...
Who needs more than this? LOL...
Get your mind right!
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
My Flavor: I'm the Real Thing in Stereo
Birthday Soul...
Birthday soul...or soulful birthday is more appropriate. Ironic how, we sometimes think things will turn out a certain way and it ends up the opposite. I expected to be surrounded by loved ones...and now I think it was meant for solitude this year. It's all good, I'm learning to flow with the tides in my life that I can't seem to control. It's been an enlightening year for me. Learning so much about myself, what drives and motivates me... as much as what I lack tolerance for in life and in others. The real key to mastering self... in order to find love, contentment and fulfillment.
Things I learned about Liz...
I can be conservative and aggressive, when I'm aggressive is when I can be wild.
I have a lot of love and friendships in my life.
My life has taken on a different direction, it definitely has been hard but it's been the best thing for me and I am glad for this change.
I am high strung and a laid back person.
Spontaneous, but a planner most of the time, letting go of that a bit.
I like to please people, when it's within my power.
Cheerful, silly, talented and without egoism, but I do like to draw attention.
I love life, motion, unrest and even complications because I thrive on challenges.
I am independent and dependent.
Artistic, passionate and emotional...the passion greatly driven by the emotions.
Good company.
Bad company, let's just say I have my reasons.
At times I do not forgive, rare... but so.
Sometimes I mistake temptation for opportunity, out of my enthusiasm.
Loathe cruelty and detest conflict, it's in poor taste and poor judgement. Let's call it for what it is!
I am balanced, diplomatic and even tempered, however I can have sudden storms of rage in 0-60 seconds...just steer clear.
Honest and straightforward...and you love me or hate me as a result.
Good listener and able to calm and soothe people.
I am insatiable in my curiosity and maybe a few other things ; ).
Energetic and hard working, but I like organization so I can work smarter than harder.
I enjoy new situations, adventure and the unusual...keep me stimulated damn it!
A true free spirit, when I can let go...I trust my instincts on this one.
Sentimental and very loving.
I can be stubborn, difficult and opinionated...oh yeah!!! No doubt.
As focused and driven as I am...I can be indecisive, don't want my world crashing down on me!
But wait...that's already happened, and I'm still alive!!!
There's so much more I could say, but I'll leave out.
Have you ever tried to analyze yourself and make a list?
Not so easy, when you're being honest.
Let's just say soulful time is healthy...
To much of a good thing can make you neurotic...
Time to crack the bubbly and celebrate!!!
I have to get a cake...
Excited to see what my next year looks like!
I'm owed some birthday kisses...PEOPLE!!!
Things I learned about Liz...
I can be conservative and aggressive, when I'm aggressive is when I can be wild.
I have a lot of love and friendships in my life.
My life has taken on a different direction, it definitely has been hard but it's been the best thing for me and I am glad for this change.
I am high strung and a laid back person.
Spontaneous, but a planner most of the time, letting go of that a bit.
I like to please people, when it's within my power.
Cheerful, silly, talented and without egoism, but I do like to draw attention.
I love life, motion, unrest and even complications because I thrive on challenges.
I am independent and dependent.
Artistic, passionate and emotional...the passion greatly driven by the emotions.
Good company.
Bad company, let's just say I have my reasons.
At times I do not forgive, rare... but so.
Sometimes I mistake temptation for opportunity, out of my enthusiasm.
Loathe cruelty and detest conflict, it's in poor taste and poor judgement. Let's call it for what it is!
I am balanced, diplomatic and even tempered, however I can have sudden storms of rage in 0-60 seconds...just steer clear.
Honest and straightforward...and you love me or hate me as a result.
Good listener and able to calm and soothe people.
I am insatiable in my curiosity and maybe a few other things ; ).
Energetic and hard working, but I like organization so I can work smarter than harder.
I enjoy new situations, adventure and the unusual...keep me stimulated damn it!
A true free spirit, when I can let go...I trust my instincts on this one.
Sentimental and very loving.
I can be stubborn, difficult and opinionated...oh yeah!!! No doubt.
As focused and driven as I am...I can be indecisive, don't want my world crashing down on me!
But wait...that's already happened, and I'm still alive!!!
There's so much more I could say, but I'll leave out.
Have you ever tried to analyze yourself and make a list?
Not so easy, when you're being honest.
Let's just say soulful time is healthy...
To much of a good thing can make you neurotic...
Time to crack the bubbly and celebrate!!!
I have to get a cake...
Excited to see what my next year looks like!
I'm owed some birthday kisses...PEOPLE!!!
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Just Me...(a self portrait)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
"Hot & Spicy P.10
My hips tingle all over...
I get up from my knees and guide him to the seat by the stairs...
"Relax baby I got this", I whisper...
He sits and leans back...
Spreading his thighs open, I kiss along the inside...
His shaft is shifting around for attention...
I giggle and moan in pleasure...
He is cleanly landscaped...
I cusp his balls...
Let my tongue roam down beyond his shaft and onto his scrotum...
I tap them lightly with my tongue and increase the intensity...
I gently fill my mouth with one and suck it softly...
Release and do it with the other one...
All the while, stroking the base in slow steady thrusts...
Returning to his head, I take it in ...
With each thrust I go deeper...
I let it hit the back of my throat...
I go harder and faster...
My eyes tear...
Arousing deep grunts from the pit of his stomach...
I am so turned on right now...
His moans are deep and sultry, like his voice...
His hips shift in momentum with my rhythm...
Guiding himself for increased pleasure...
Randomly, peeking up at him I monitor his reactions...
Eyes still closed tightly...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
The Salty Sticky Mess...(Erotica Bk 2)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
"Hot & Spicy" P.9
Gripping him first...
Then gliding him up and down with more strength, my lips cover his tip...
I suck it with joy and enthusiasm...
I keep on sucking...
I love how smooth the head is...
It's delicious...
I focus on it for the longest...
Flicking my tongue in and out of the hole...
Rubbing it around my lips...
Sucking it as if I was draining it dry...
Taking my mouth off, I rub my lips around the tip enjoying the sensation of his skin against my skin...
Closing my eyes, I allow myself to get lost in the sensation...
My sweet simmering sauce starts trickling out...
OMG! ...
As I suck him, I envision how I want to take his rod and rub it against my thighs...
Teasing me until I can't take it anymore...
Forcing his tip all the way in...
Deeper and deeper...
Until he can't fill her any more...
He releases a long soft moan....
His hand grabs the rail of the stairs for support...
Arches his neck back...
Knees buckling just a bit...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
The Salty Sticky Mess...(Erotica Bk 2)
Friday, October 7, 2011
I was your friend
I was your lover
Remember how...
We were as thick as thieves?
You couldn't part us
With a knife
We were so lovey dovey
Touchy feely
As young hearts can be
Like peanut butter and jelly
Sticky gooey
Sweet salty
Lickable edible kisses
Drove our hunger for each other
And filled our cravings
I was your lover
I was your wifey
Remember how...
We'd take long strolls in the park?
You would cuddle on my lap
I caressed your hair
You stared into my eyes
Until I smiled
We were so excited
About life
About us
You promised me
The world
Listening to tunes on the boom box
Love songs
Touched our hearts
"Always & Forever"
Became our song...
I was your wifey
I was your Ex
Remember how...
We were constantly making love?
I couldn't keep you off me
Even when
We can home with our first-born
Young and broke
One rose is how you graced me
You asked me, "What was for dinner?"
It made me so mad!
I teased you about it for years
You more than made up for it
Loving me unconditionally
I am...
Your Ex now
I was it all to you
Remember how? ...
You used poetic words
To express your feelings
Promises of
An eternity of happiness
We shall endure and shine
I was everything to you
You would try your hardest to keep me yours
We were the rainbows
At the end was the pot of gold
Remember? ...
Of course not...
The love of our lives
Deep in the sea of your soul
In the Bermuda Triangle of emotions
Dire searches proved the depth
The unfathomable
She no longer exists
I did find
Amazing new person
Far better
The one that existed with you
So pleased to meet you!
Known to you
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
Life as a Brikhaus...(poetry)
"Hot & Spicy" P.8
Rambunctious rod ready...
I giggle, stepping back and turn around...
I shake my ass for him as I stride into the kitchen...
As he waits for me patiently he says, "That's got to be my all time favorite outfit you’re wearing"...
Laughs and laughs...
I return within minutes...
"Love?" I ask...
"Yes?" He replies...
Devouring him with my eyes, I deliciously grin...
Untying my apron as I move in close...
I reach up to kiss him with my wet lips...
Apron falls to the ground and exposes my naked body...
Moisture forms in between my thighs...
He kisses me sensually...
Almost taking control, until I push him back...
"No baby, I'm the chef today", I state...
I kiss him on his chest and travel all the way down to his shaft...
It's alive! ...
I lick my lips more...
Looking up, his deep eyes are content...
Then I lick along his shaft lubing it with my moisture...
My hands wrap around it firmly...
I flutter and flick the tip of my hot wet tongue from the top of his penis all the way to the bottom of his balls and back up...
He begins to quiver...
Erotica Poetry Love Sex Passion Pain Life
The Salty Sticky Mess...(Erotica Bk 2)
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