Wild Child

Wild Child

Thursday, October 13, 2011

In Sequence...

In sequence...the succession of events that unfold as your life. Fate...Can we arrange and rearrange this, in order to arrive to the final outcome of our choosing? Or is destiny...the final outcome, inevitable and unchangeable as per themselves, independent of the events that precedes it? I don't have the answer to that, and this could continue on, as a deep and long debate.  I do believe in free will. There is no illusion in the fact that we make choices every day of our lives that later impact us. Is it possible that free will and destiny live in harmony? Anything is possible! I know that as we take each step, we live in the moment and we don't always conceive what the next sequence of events will be. We think we know. We even predict correctly, what we think we know. We certainly try to control every aspect of our lives so we can manipulate the direction. So what happens when someone else makes a choice in their life and it impacts us? Uncontrollable, unchangeable, sometimes unpredictable, but nonetheless impacting us. Complete control... is such an illusion. Yes, in our hands is the power to choose...we can choose SOME options. The SUM in our hands, the SUM of us...is what we exist with, resulting from the addition, multiplication and subtraction of the positive, negative and neutrality of our experiences. 
The sequence...
The you...
The life full of moments and memories and stories...
That have led you...
To exactly where you are supposed to be...


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