Wild Child

Wild Child

Monday, January 23, 2012

Affection...an erotic memoir

     Affection follows the path of Krissy Kneen's life journey, from the compulsive sexual self-exploration of her childhood to her experiences as a young woman for whom the world is a sexual playground. Brave and honest in her assessment of her own sexual addictions. Bold indeed, comes to mind when I think of Krissy, even in her fear. I admire the raw exposure of inner most feelings, thoughts, and details.  Intimidating and liberating.
     Her story gradual drags you into the deep trenches of her insatiable lust. Her sexual nature battling to be free, even before understanding the meaning of it all. At first feeling light, airy and naive as a young girl protected in the bubble of her squeaky clean world by domineering matriarchal females. Determined to abide by her instinctual need to break away, eventually she does. Thrown a curve ball by life, she struggles but none the less lives in ways most of us never do or have or will.  
     This book stirs all emotions. She is witty, funny, strong, delicate, sassy, smart and beautiful in so many ways. She keeps it real, which allows you to connect. Empathizing and sympathizing with parallel events in your own sexuality. I recommend this book for males and females alike, insightful for all. I enjoyed this book so much, my only regret is that I took so long to read.  I need to prioritize my time better for my love of words.


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