Wild Child

Wild Child

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Facing Chapters...

Facing chapters... full frontal. Is there any other way? Sure! The back leading, but what's that really do for you? Unwilling to act only slows down your progress. Reminds me of a saying in Spanish my mother use to say, "El bago trabaja doble." Translation... the lazy person works twice as hard, doesn't sound as good in English, but so true. Turning your back, not acknowledging a situation or unwilling to act, will just make things more difficult than they need to be. Sometimes, we may feel there is not enough action to tickle our palette and paint the canvas. There is always lots of opportunity to talk about what will get done, details, the scheme of things and how they fit in your life. A whole lot of nothing actually gets done. I've always been a power house with lists, love to bang them out! Lately, I do more contemplating than needed. A result of being a writer, it can have its downside. Now at a huge crossroad... selling my house, the core of my family and, of my former marriage. It feels surreal, but its real. I have so much pain in my heart right now; a chapter I knew would close, and has to close for me. Then I can open new doors, the doors of friendship, of love, of work, and my destination. Wherever I'm headed I will always be the nucleus of my family, the roaring alpha female-ferocious in her desire to live and protect. My softer side forced me to cry it out for a week, to get it out of my system, to gather my strength, to understand the mix of emotions, and to refocus my priorities.
No blur between real and fiction...
No reading between the lines...
It's the black and white...
Read on...
Facing chapters...


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