Dragon heart... We all have one hidden deep within us. My perception of them is not drawn in evil. Unless you are consumed by the nemesis of yours. The myth of dragons is considered magical, supernatural, wise, and a primal force of nature-religion-universe. They are either feared or revered across the world, on every continent, and ancient to all cultures. I've always had a fascination with them. Wicked in appearance, they are deeper than the surface; as I always say that I am.
"Hic sunt dracones" - here be dragons. Well here be one fierce dragon, that is my heart. Blazing dangerous fires over unexplored territories, uncharted areas in the map of my life. I care not what repercussions may come from the heat of my own desires. Willing to burn in my path remnants of a past and of persons I no longer look to recall, except as an ashy dark cloud trapped in the concave of my chest. The suffocating smoke diverging my attempts to find all those pieces to my puzzle that will complete my happiness.
My vulnerable underbelly of logic fighting the forces of my crimson livelihood, sometimes to a point where I think madness will be my true treasure. Fermented by primal fears and nightmares that only feed the beast to fight harder. Meaning... we are our worst enemy. Logic fighting heart. Critical, debilitating and depleting the very passion that drives us to thrive, survive, and elevate ourselves.
So for all my imagination, which is much and worthy of much. I can accept my dragon heart for all I am and all I have to offer. For I still realize the worth of the fearsome creature that I am and can be. knowingly and willingly choosing to leave a legacy behind me. For sure and with no doubt I will be appreciated far more in my death than I am in my hot breath.
A hybrid...
Daughter, mother, sister...
Lover, friend, enemy...
Writer, sculptor, poet...
Above all else, a delicate, strong woman...
With a dragon heart...
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