Duality...2 sides to every story. Night and day. Black and white. Heads and tails. Yin and yang. Why do we deny the side of us which we don't like? What did you say? Why? Just stop....right now! Just go back and crawl under that rock. What don't you see? What don't you understand? I hate excuses... We each are a double sided coin. It's that simple. Good and bad. Beautiful and ugly. Kind and mean. Intelligent and stupid. Feminine and masculine. Sexual and Asexual. Keep going? Nah...I'll stop. We have stages in our lives when we are all of these things at one time or another. And anyone who thinks they've only been on the positive side of the coin. Get the f*ck off that pedestal, before you get knocked off. Denying something, or lying about something existing doesn't mean it isn't so. It just means your delusional. Perfection does not exist. Perfection...is perfecting all of those aspects into a continuous spinning coin. Keep yourself polished and shimmering. When it lands, there's a fifty fifty chance you may be that side of you, you haven't been in awhile. What side that is...who knows? But...it's fun to keep wondering! And...you know the saying, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Think twice...don't blame it on the bed and your lack of sleep. Really...it's your evil twin, that you've been hiding. You just have everyone fooled!!!
So what's it going to be today?
Heads or tails?
; ) Liz