Wild Child

Wild Child

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2 Sided Coin...

Duality...2 sides to every story. Night and day. Black and white. Heads and tails. Yin and yang. Why do we deny the side of us which we don't like? What did you say? Why? Just stop....right now! Just go back and crawl under that rock. What don't you see? What don't you understand? I hate excuses... We each are a double sided coin. It's that simple. Good and bad. Beautiful and ugly. Kind and mean. Intelligent and stupid. Feminine and masculine. Sexual and Asexual. Keep going? Nah...I'll stop.  We have stages in our lives when we are all of these things at one time or another. And anyone who thinks they've only been on the positive side of the coin. Get the f*ck off that pedestal, before you get knocked off. Denying something, or lying about something existing doesn't mean it isn't so. It just means your delusional. Perfection does not exist. Perfection...is perfecting all of those aspects into a continuous spinning coin. Keep yourself polished and  shimmering. When it lands, there's a fifty fifty chance you may be that side of you, you haven't been in awhile. What side that is...who knows? But...it's fun to keep wondering! And...you know the saying, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Think twice...don't blame it on the bed and your lack of sleep. Really...it's your evil twin, that you've been hiding. You just have everyone fooled!!! 
So what's it going to be today?
Heads or tails?
; ) Liz

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Real Caramel...

Mmmm...the real caramel!!! This is how I got the nickname. Kissed by the sun...again and again.  This is not my darkest, either! I'm like Baskin Robbins...Baby, I can be french vanilla, cinnamon, caramel. I do chocolate, but I can't be cocoa for you, not in my gene pool ; ). OLD SOL...loves me and caresses me like a lover. He bakes these cupcakes till they're golden brown. I think it's safe to say my lineage sails back to the sea. My love of the water, is just too damn deep. I feel at peace...swimming, floating, chilling out. The sea breeze blowing, the salty smell,  swaying palms, bare skin...the beach can be an oasis, if some of you can get past the sand between your toes. And yes, I know I'm poolside...just saying... Summertime is here! So enjoy...Happy sailing, swimming, tanning, traveling, drinking, partying, BBQ's, flirting, dating, gawking at bare bods, sexing...well, I couldn't very well leave that out!  It's all good. Do you!!!
To sunshine in your lives...
To sun kissed you...

Contest Winners!!!

Thank you all for participating.
The Following people will be receiving a free book, personally signed by me.
Books are already in route.

1. Stewart Mackay
2. Cara Fitzgerald
3. Cynthia Ramirez
4. Tiffany Mendez
5. Thomas Santiago
6. Micheal Panisse
7. Brandon Mims
8. Sheila Olewszeski
9. Jerry Costanza
10. Ricardo Larios

Enjoy your books!!!
I look forward to the interesting reviews...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Blush...

I blush!!! I do!!! You just don't see the rosy in my cheeks. I certainly won't divulge what makes me blush. One on one...I can be quite different. I have a shy side. A vulnerable side. A sensitive side. When I'm around a crowd, I'm myself...just a different self. One that has to survive amongst a social crowd, louder, boisterous, bodacious, flirtatious and talkative. Get me alone...and I'm digging deep. Meaningful connection...more to you and more to me. What draws you to me? What draws me to you? A need to be fulfilled...otherwise, what's the point. Small talk means nothing to me, useless and pointless. My time is to precious to spend it with someone I'm not interested in or care about. Too much respect for myself and for you, to do that to you. Really...it's that simple and that complicated. I love feeling rosy, even if you can't see it...I can feel it.
I blush...
I do...
; ) -Liz

Friday, May 27, 2011

Shake My Head...

Aghhhh Shit...here it comes!!! The attitude... Head shaking...lips puckering...neck twisting.
Run for cover! Getting caught in that vortex of a tornado, that is her unstoppable mouth...after you've worked her up to a frenzy. Yikes!!! 0 tolerance...Oh man, I just can't help myself sometimes. My mind runs at like sixty miles a minute, even when I'm calm. I had someone have to tell me to finish a thought, a sentence before I went on to the next topic...and I was calm and relaxed. Not too many people are willing to say that to me. No offense taken...I realized that he was right. And...I also realized I probably do it all the time. So I'm going to take a daily chill pill...to slow my roll. Maybe I'll save some hot air and actually take a worthwhile trip into another realm, where my energy can be put to good use...LOL!
Shake my booty...
That's more fun anyway!!!
-Liz ; )

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Ache...

X...marks the spot where the ache fills me. A sudden panic and overwhelming but, bubbling feeling takes over my mind. That... there are tougher roads ahead, that I know I will still have to face. My heart, a tight knot that attempts to release the tears that my mind refuses to obey.  The battle begins. And...yes, even I get scared and fear failure like anyone else. Innately...I tend to get rebellious by fighting back. Failure to me is not an option... in my eyes. Negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.  I have failed at many things, but I went down fighting. Some people, looked at me and said, "Walk away" and my reply would be, "I can't...I'm not built that way!". Until every attempt is tried...do I then raise my white flag. As I'm waving that white flag...enemy's guard coming down, when they least expect it...I'm right back up attacking the next battle. You see...life is small battles. Every battle under your belt, brings you closer to the end of the war. The peace you seek...shall be confiscated from the enemy!!! And... the wounds you suffered will be left with the shadow of the X...that marked the spot where the ache filled you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Feeling You...

Yeah...I'm feeling you. Think about you, a lot of the time! No joke...I wonder about you too. A man in my future. What you're really like when you're talking to others and not even thinking about me. How tall you are and how I will feel, standing next to you. Your scent and how it will make me react, to breathe it in. The feeling of a hug in your arms. The sensation of a kiss on your lips. What will I see when I look into your eyes. What will a conversation between us feel like? Like old friends? Or like nervous lovers just meeting for the first time? Will, we be looking for cues? Any kind of cues? Or will it be surreal? Will, time pass us by quickly? Will, it feel like a fog because we're taking in so much? Will, we feel those butterflies? Or will that beauty not flutter by us?  Will, we want to part when it's time? Or find reasons to mingle in each others presence longer? Will, we talk and talk and talk? Because, there is so much we want to share? Is what we're feeling a result of a need, that strongly demands being fulfilled or is it truly as natural as it feels? But...I guess I can ask a trillion questions and only imagine what those answers will be. For the real answers will reveal themselves...when the future is my present day and a man in my presence will be. Wondering will be no more. Only the connectivity and our energy will decipher it's relevance in our future. Just take my hand, my friend...all I want is to be feeling you...
Feeling you...
The real you...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Mmm Mmm Mmm...DAMN!!! Nothing like temptation just slapping you in the face and saying WTF?
Are you awake B*tch? You sure as hell are now!!! That slap just loosened any clarity from my mind. All I can think about is...drop that damn pen down and stop effen writing gurl! Go have some fun and remember what it's like to feel alive. Think of nothing else... but your damn pleasure! I can't even look anymore...I mean, I could just soak up and soak in all that delicious mouth watering goodness until my core is just a vortex of whirling, twirling, shiny sterling... silver trinkets of love drops. I know the rule of the thumb is men are the visual creatures...but, some of us women are right there with you. Triggered, stimulated, manipulated...longing to eradicate that urge that's completely submersed your mind and body into the state of wanton bliss.
Mmm Mmm Mmm...
-Liz ; )

Monday, May 23, 2011

For the Benjamins...

All about the BENJAMINS?...Money makes the world go round!!! Why couldn't it just be love? Love is free and infinitely more rewarding...maybe, in a perfect world that would work. Money...a resource that contains the power to influence. Socially recognized for that power and value...thus drawing its response. Except, my response is the opposite. It wasn't always so...but my eyes see through a different hue. Of course, I want what's coming to me, but for survival purposes. Other than that...all it does is complicate the simplicity of what life once was and possibly should still be. Coin? Paper? Plastic? Serious emotional baggage comes with your view of money. Completely based on your life experiences stemming all the way back to your childhood. And...some of us will never be able to let go of the stigma it has on our self worth. Unless, somehow you were fortunate enough and intelligent enough, to get...your personal worth far exceeds the dolla dolla bill y'all!!! Sure...lack of money feels like lack of power...it is. That is the cycle, but in the cycle are patterns. Something...on another level, more controllable. A composite of traits and features...characteristics which in fact we can influence, by our mindset.
I got my mind on my money...
And my money on my mind...
Mind over matter...
Mind over money...
You lose your mind...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yeahhhh Babyyyyyy....

That's what I'm talking about!!! You put me in that place...that gets me riled up, wrangled up all in your lasso. I'm beginning to think you're a cowboy...yeeee haaa!!! Lips start to pucker like they got a mind of their own. I get perky and start twitching....no teasing allowed!!! It's not fair, unless I can play dirty too...know what I'm saying? Showing off that one arm, one handed strength...no bucking around, unless it's me riding the bull. Yeah, Brazilian style...pierce those heels in, strength in the thighs and stay loose and relaxed...just follow the bull's momentum!!! I gotta go...think I want to buy me some boots, a cowboy hat, a lasso and catch me a bull. Sometimes you need the get up to get the giddy up!!!
Don't mind me...
Just having a moment...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Double Negative...

What you perceive, is just the positive negative of myself. Or is it? Light is dark and dark is light just as... life is black and white? Two wrongs = a right? Logically logic is not always logical? CRITICAL...that's us. The negative element  and the counterpart surrounded by life... a positive.  Never satisfied and always critical, in all aspects of our lives. Go ahead...keep nodding your head. Negate, deny, refuse, oppose, resist, debate, criticize..uhuh, I knew it! Your mind is designating a proposition that denies agreement with me, lacking any positive affirmation. It's all good...at least I am not morphing into a negative tropism...which may be the masses of our society. A big cloud of grey nothingness. Grey is no better...stand your ground. Meaning...impart a strong, positive and vivid impression of your life. To those that truly matter. Yourself first and then, those you love.
On a scale of 1- 10...what are you?
You say a 10?
You better check yourself...
Before you wreck yourself...
You may be a Zero...
Or less then...
Or almost not at all...
Which is...


Friday, May 20, 2011

One Down...

One down...
I should be serious...I'm writing lust, in  a ZONE ; )...
How many more to come. We shall see!!! Today is a good day...Accomplishments are so fulfilling, aren't they? First book officially on sale today. It's so surreal!
The time and work that goes into a book is tremendous and tedious. I think people assume writers are sitting around eating Bon Bons. Think again...transposing imagination into concrete thoughts, into tangible words takes skill. I know I have much to learn... and nurturing my skill is my focus.Takes re-reading and tweaking and editing and re-reading...into delirium sometimes. It's rewarding though to see book in hand. Even more rewarding is hearing feedback that your book is being enjoyed and it speaks to people on some sort of level that they can connect with. That means you did something right.
I wrote from my heart...and that's all I can offer. Okay...I wrote from the lust in my Caramel center. That's obvious, no? Not something you can fake. But certainly something you can feel, when you read between different authors and their styles.
For those of you who read this blog and share in Liz...Brikhaus...Caramel.
Thank you for your support...
Please reach out to share your thoughts...
Give me feedback on book...
Things you'd like to see from me...
Or just say what's up...

Your Sweet & Gooey...

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Is the fog clearing yet?
What happened?
I think...
You got me...
Wait, I said that already?!?!?...
My mind felt more clear in that fog...
Or is it my heart?
Can you kiss me again???
-Liz ; )

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Like Sunshine...

Like sunshine...I can fill your days with glorious warmth. You're fascinated with me...somehow. My enthusiasm and creative energy stimulates your day, and even your appetite for a great many things ; ).
But...either you will love me or hate me. No wishy washy, I don't know, not sure, maybe, maybe not...with me. I can spark controversy...intensely! Fun...even flamboyant. Eccentric...not so much, that comes with benjamins. I encourage communication....meaning, to be connected to me...really connected,  you have to express yourself on a level where we get each other. I feel safe to you...but don't be fooled. I may ignite a burning heat that will consume both of us in it's flames.  So...these orange safety cones I just put out...are a warning of the occupational hazard of engaging with me!!! Hahaha...
Maybe I need to paint my bodily curves orange instead...
What do you think?
-Liz ; )

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's this word called love?

Hey baby, let me ask you this question, alright? What's this word... called love? Do you want me...because I fill the image, of the girl of your dreams? Do you want me...because you like the way my butt looks, in tight ass jeans? Do you want me...because I can throw down, in a ponytail and baseball cap? Do you want me...because I can whisper sweet poems of adoration? Do you want me...because my glass is like 2 hours? Do you want me because...you can take me home, to momma? Do you want me...because imagination fuels the sweet doughy sculpt from my fingers? Do you want me because...I can be your naughty girl? Do you want me... because my mind is fluid with yours? Do you want me...because I can be your goddess? Do you want me...because my kiss makes you melt? You freely and willingly throw this word around....Would you know it if you saw it? If you felt it? How do you know?
So baby, let me ask you this question, alright?
What's this word...called love?


Monday, May 16, 2011

Let's face it...

You got my full attention...so now what? The balls in your court...Well, not really.
Let's face it, one always has more control than the other. I certainly have the capability of being an Alpha.! You heard me...I understand the damn concept of an Alpha! A pretty woman can be just as strong and  influential...don't you ever doubt that! If you doubt it...than you've never been around a REAL women... Yeah, I know you heard me...Did I stutter? Keep it moving then.  But...I believe in sharing the pants. None of this double standard bullshit. I'm not here to serve you or a purpose for you...Do I look like your servant? I am your equal...your partner in crime. When I need to...I carry the weight and vice versa, that is the expectation. That's how it goes...or just stop in your tracks and back track my man. Anything less than that...falls below my standard, and you have some real insecurity issues. Mmmm...real insecure.  No doubt!!!
No doubt...
Let's face it...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lay it out in Lavender...

Mystery in my mystic?....Only no mystery. I'm very cool, relaxed and in control...of myself anyway. My aura to me feels mystic and mysterious. Tone clearly defined...but my undertones, not so much. A combo of deep stimulation and fluid calm. Cause and effect...unrest and uneasy. In search of deep spiritual understanding for purest thoughts. Meaning...natural, sexuality is natural. If you think it, imagine it, feel it, sense it, love it...then those thoughts, are the purity of you. Should there be shame in the nature of yourself? Never!!! ...Those uptight about it, are uptight about themselves! That's their issue...not mine. My creativity ultimately encouraged...infinitely from a more lucid consciousness of my truer being. There is virtue in understanding that being...even if it is not what you envisioned yourself to be.
Transitioning my absolute surrender...
To myself...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What About Blondes?...

Blondes have more fun? I don't know who came up with that theory. Possibly a man who had a fetish for blondes? LOL! This was my blonder days(last summer)... well, more Caramel ; ). Love going there!!! I mean come on now... anybody can be a blonde. So who are we kidding guys? Unless you're really referring  to the density of their brains, which is a load of crap. They don't own the rights to the list...As a matter of fact, if I go down my list of brain cell deprived women only a handful are blonde!!! Really though, it's all in the attitude. Noooo, not the stupidity. The I'm down for partying...anytime, anywhere with anyone!!! See...what you have to figure out is, women need a reason-men a place. So don't bother figuring out a place if she's not feeling you...Cause you won't be copping a feel! I don't care how HOTTT you are and whether you can move moutains!!! Our bodacious terrains get explored by the skilled climbers...Lack technique? Go get a DAMN MAP and figure it out!
Where do you get a map?
Oh man, can't help you there...
You got steep issues!!!
Start with baby hills first...
-Liz ;

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

BAM!!! ...

Bam!!! Take that!!! That's what I'm talking about! ... Add in some more spices... It's all about the flavor. You don't got flavor, you got nothing! Nada...zilch...zero...0...Big fat 0!!! I'm kicking it up a notch...Okay, maybe it's a lot more notches. If you knew how I cooked...you'd really get this! These shoes...are my back up. In case I need more than spice to kick it, kick it up, kick it out...or kick you. Just playing... my peeps. Just feelin' a bit spicy...okay, I can't fool you...a lot spicy! I just get into this rowdy, rambuncious, raw form and I have to release...the energy that is, the spicy! Or else, it lingers like garlic on your breath after that amazing dish you just devoured. Uhuh...I can still smell it, did you think that piece of gum really worked??? OMG...I just need to chill right now, cause I'm giggling at my own sh*t!!! Got to go now...I need to go find Bam Bam. He's the only one that can hang with me, in this mood... and, keep up with me!
Go find some flavor...
Kick it up a notch...
Mmmm, yummy...


Monday, May 9, 2011

Caught Red Handed...

So you caught me!!! Do you feel stimulated??? Is your heart beating faster??? Are you breathing deeper??? I am...I'm in the red!!! Deep in the red...but in a positive way. Red is romance...Red is sensuality...Red is love...Red is aggression...Red is rage...Red is anger. The amount of red, relates to levels of energy. I am all up in the red!!! I am feeling all of these and then some. And...it lingers and lingers. Doesn't seem to want to disband from my aura. So...all I can do is embrace all that I feel wholeheartedly and see what purpose it has for me. Big purpose...I feel. Not yet revealed to my mind, the hardest part. But being in the Red, somehow slowly  lessens my mistrust at the rate of molasses, but its the direction I seek. If you had to put a temperature on me...I am the warmest to hottest of individuals because I can be so emotionally intense. Attention focused, encouraging action to be taken, grounded, confidant , enthusiastic and trusting. Protecting myself from fears and anxiety as I run to live again...  in this race called life!!! 
So you caught me???
Red Handed???
Catch is...
Can you hold on to me???

-Liz ; )

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Just Barely...

Just barely....are we truly free. Just barely do we free ourselves from the daily ritual that is life. When we can find ourselves, our deeper essence... is, when we can free ourselves. It's our spirituality...like when we were innocent children, unknowing of life's strife that will unfold. Living in the joy of the moment, appreciating what is...for what it is.  Spirituality, is exhibited by our minds and actions. Fearless, uninhibited and true to self. Our spirit is a tangible intangible...like the wind we don't see, but feel as surely as it tickles our skin and sweeps away our hair. Just barely...are we truly free.

Just barely...
All it takes...
Is baring yourself...


Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Dear Mama"

(Dedicated to my mother Carmen) 

 (Mother's...Have a beautiful mother's day! In my mind...we are to be celebrated everyday!) 
Migration of my mind
Directed to heartfelt thoughts
Viable survival of me
A definitive…
In my life force
A result…
Of a job well done
Loving efforts put forth

Timing is appropriate
My feelings to be shared
A deep love…
For the creator of me
A welling…
In my eyes
The joy of these tears
Of many blessings bestowed

The meaning of mother
Words cannot fulfill
A calling…
Not all can accomplish
Daunting task of obligations
By the masses
Standing ready is she
Comprehending her true purpose
From cries of infancy to moans of adulthood

Sacrifices seen by me
For me…
Loving gestures by you
For me…
Naturally provided never questioned
From the love in your heart
Protective nature of a lioness
Towards her cub
Possibly a necessary death to the finish

I am
Who I am
Molded from the clay
Who you are
Reflecting inner beauty
To the world
Outwardly and proudly
As a living sculpture

 Words never fully descriptive
The deepness of my love
For the angel that is she
Vision more lucid
Than the purity and clarity of water
Offering an abundance
That which I needed most
Love of a mother

A special mission
Like no other exists
Sensing where her true purpose lies
Possessing great strength of will
Stamina to resist the odds
Creating the perfect niche
Fulfillment is first order
Pushed to blaze your own trails
With the footsteps of your success

I thank thee
From my bottomless heart
For embraces filled with warmth
For words filled with support
For pushes filled with courage
For reprimands filled with toughness
For kisses filled with love
Having me…

Dear mama
I thank thee
For a life filled with you…

Friends...How Many Of Us Have Them?

My grin says it all...Called SARCASM. I continue to be amazed at people. OBLIVIOUS!!! To their own shit...and they're knee deep. I mean...common!!! WTF??? They have the nerve to act like you don't come through for them. Yet...YET!!! They are critical of you, put you down and what you're doing down. AS IF...you don't have value. Who the fuck gave them the right to judge you? Who? Fuck that shit!!! They can fuck off, for all I care! AS IF...they were the best thing that ever happened to you. AS IF...they were better then you.  AS IF!?!?!?! A friendship is supposed to be mutually beneficial. You're supposed to care about each other. That means behaviors are reflective of your words. Not because I say so ...It is so. Jeez...get a fucking reality check on yourself!!! At times, it will be offset. That's okay, because we all have our weak moments when we need support. No one should ever put up with someone who, NEVER makes them feel good. I mean, when you're happier without them...What does that mean? Yeahhhh... Exactly what I thought!!! Let's just keep it moving people, your blocking traffic!!! And...AND!!! ...When you think about it, the real issue is they are trying to make themselves feel better about themselves. PATHETIC!!! I especially love when they neglect you, for whatever their mind justifies it be done(Do I look like an ass kisser?)...and suddenly when they have issues, they need you and you're not responsive, they talk about fair weather friends are all over...easy come easy go. Meanwhile, they're just catching up to the fact...that you already let go of them, well... that's if they're bright enough to pick up on that. It's just sad that...what could have been, a nice friendship, just had to be destroyed. KILLED...DEAD...MUERTO!!!... Anyway, your real friends, you should be able to count on your two hands...any more then that, you're deluding yourself!!! Acquaintances are many...but friends are few. I'm a social butterfly. I know many people. I try to be very selective...and on occasion, I FUCK UP and have poor judgement. I chalk it up to a lesson learned. Hold on to the good ones... Be loyal...
The rest...
That shit is dead...


Friday, May 6, 2011

Electrify Me...

I have been hurting for 3 days...Since I saw you last! 
When you kissed me, I felt a tremendous sting.
I got zapped!!! 
Never did a kiss, make my tongue tingle like that.
My heart still palpitates on and off. 
My soul longs for the sight of you.
My body aches for you.
What have you done to me??? 
Your energy might as well have thrown me across the room...you could have killed me! 
You still may...if you don't quickly respond to my pleas.
I want to feel that alive again!!!
Revive Me.
My luv...you must kiss me again to alleviate me from my suffering.
Send your current through soul.
Electrify me...


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cozy is Good...

Cozy is good...Really good!!! It's one of the best feelings in the world. It's a feeling of comfort like no other. Cozy is a state of mind, that is extremely inviting. Like, the sun rising on a warm summer day. Like, the smell of delicious coffee when you wake up. Like, bright colored wild flowers in a meadow. Like,  the delicious flavor of a well cooked meal that wakes your taste buds.. Like,  the face of a loved one after a long day of work. Like, the voice of a man that makes you feel intense inside. Like, the tight embrace when you desperately need it the most. Like, cuddling in the warm nook of your man that feels safe. Like, a passionate kiss that awakens your desires. Like, being loved as never before and feeling your heart melt. Like that and then some...The signs of real life, uncluttered. Yesssss....feels just like that!
Cozy is good....
Really good!!!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I suffer not from my questions...
But from my answers...
I deliberately set aside answers...
So I may gather more information...
I push aside my stray thoughts...
And keep them at bay...
I am humbled...
I am sensitive...
I am strong...
I am open...
Yet my questions...
Have led to more questions...
Consistent contemplation...
Persistent pondering...
Digs deeper...
To that place...
That deliberately hides your answers...
With the information...
That it only reveals...
By the door called...


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wonder What I See? ...

So...you wonder what I think? What makes me open up to you? This Chiquita Banana needs to be ripe for you. Sometimes I just need a nice firm pinch and grab hold of my peel and pull on it. Hahaha, you might get a little goop on your fingers but it'll taste good! That's how I  reveal myself to the world? You wonder what kind of tinkering is going on in that brain of mine? Wonder what I see? How I perceive you? Perceive others? What?... Are you waiting on me to tell you?... I think I share a lot. In fact, I know I do. Simply... every word you read. Every story... poem... quote... photo... tells you all of that. I put it out there, to share myself with you. To connect with you. To say...I think this, and feel this, and want this, and hate this, and love this, and scared of this, and confused by this. That...this, IS our connection. That...this, IS what we have in common.  That...this, IS what I see. I see...You, looking at me...looking at you. This...is that, and nothing more.
You and I...
Me and you...


Monday, May 2, 2011

I need you! ...

I need you!!! Don't you see!!! Don't make me beg...I won't do it. I draw the line there...Who do you think you are? A sad pathetic excuse, of a person. That's who!!! All that I have to offer, and you think I will chase after you or beg you for attention. I think not! I know that I am special...very special in my own right. Just, as I am special...there is someone out there just as special, meant for me. The yin to my yang. There is no real struggle in a "True" connection. What I mean is...when it becomes more work to be happy and stay connected, then it is not meant to be. In the true connection,  struggles exist but they are not cumbersome. It does not consume the love where all you feel is strife and suffering as a constant. The struggle does not outweigh the love...EVER!!! Each gladly self-sacrifices all that is necessary to ease  the burden for their better half.  Humility intertwines in love, for nothing is more important then the love of your best friend, confidant and lover. One who is not willing to bend and flex for the other... is more concerned with self-love. Either they are not really in love, they do not understand what is truly required, and/or are not willing. If you can see this...then you know it's best to move forward and be alone. Misery loves company...but I do not love misery. Sooooo...Cya!!! Wouldn't want to be ya!!!
On the other hand...
I don't need you after all...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Witching Hour...

The restless souls...seem to thrive, during the witching hour. Peace, quiet, and calm give way to their much needed solace. Unless you are a supernatural being, that flourishes on manipulating your powers at the most powerful peak of the night...midnight to 3am...LOL! Actually, now that I think of it. I know a few demons, witches and ghosts. Demons...would be those f*cked up people who are just damn evil and malicious. Witches...would be the vindictive and conniving women, or men. Werewolves...the two faced people that act one way with you and then are the complete opposite when you turn your back. Vampires...freakin' bloodsuckers connect with you just to gain something for themselves. Ghosts...those are the so called friends that f*cking dissapear on you for months at a time, and for all you know they could be dead. I know...sorry, that sounds morbid. We are, talking about the witching hour...LOL!  Interesting how we transition between cycles. I hear some say, "I'm a morning person", "I'm sooo, not a morning person"...for me... I just am. But, I have my cycles....I love morning, hate mornings, I love nights, hate nights. Currently, I am a nocturnal creature. Energy peaking... Mind peaking... Sex drive peaking... Creative juices peaking... So be weary, I may choose to haunt you in your dreams... And, you shall... never... ever... be the same!
I promise you that! ...

-Liz ; )