So you caught me!!! Do you feel stimulated??? Is your heart beating faster??? Are you breathing deeper??? I am...I'm in the red!!! Deep in the red...but in a positive way. Red is romance...Red is sensuality...Red is love...Red is aggression...Red is rage...Red is anger. The amount of red, relates to levels of energy. I am all up in the red!!! I am feeling all of these and then some. lingers and lingers. Doesn't seem to want to disband from my aura. So...all I can do is embrace all that I feel wholeheartedly and see what purpose it has for me. Big purpose...I feel. Not yet revealed to my mind, the hardest part. But being in the Red, somehow slowly lessens my mistrust at the rate of molasses, but its the direction I seek. If you had to put a temperature on me...I am the warmest to hottest of individuals because I can be so emotionally intense. Attention focused, encouraging action to be taken, grounded, confidant , enthusiastic and trusting. Protecting myself from fears and anxiety as I run to live again... in this race called life!!!
So you caught me???
Red Handed???
Catch is...
Can you hold on to me???
-Liz ; )
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