Mmm Mmm Mmm...DAMN!!! Nothing like temptation just slapping you in the face and saying WTF?
Are you awake B*tch? You sure as hell are now!!! That slap just loosened any clarity from my mind. All I can think about is...drop that damn pen down and stop effen writing gurl! Go have some fun and remember what it's like to feel alive. Think of nothing else... but your damn pleasure! I can't even look anymore...I mean, I could just soak up and soak in all that delicious mouth watering goodness until my core is just a vortex of whirling, twirling, shiny sterling... silver trinkets of love drops. I know the rule of the thumb is men are the visual creatures...but, some of us women are right there with you. Triggered, stimulated, manipulated...longing to eradicate that urge that's completely submersed your mind and body into the state of wanton bliss.
Mmm Mmm Mmm...
-Liz ; )
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