Wild Child

Wild Child

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Juxtapoz Erotica

     Let's first explain what Juxtapoz is, for those who may not know.
Juxtapoz Art & Culture Magazine was created in 1994 by a group of artists and collectors including Robert Williams, Fausto Vitello, C.R. Stecyk III (aka: Craig Stecyk), Greg Escalante, and Eric Swenson to both help define and celebrate urban alternative and underground contemporary art. It was edited from 1996 to 2006 by Jamie O'Shea. Juxtapoz is published by High Speed Productions, the same company that publishes Thrasher Skateboard magazine.
     Juxtapoz launched with the mission of connecting modern genres like psychedelic and hot rod art, graffiti, street art, and illustration, to the context of broader more historically recognized genres of art like Pop, assemblage, old master painting, and conceptual art. Although based in San Francisco, Juxtapoz was founded upon the belief in the virtues of Southern California Pop Culture and the freedom from the conventions of the "established" New York art world. Ferus Gallery, run by Walter Hopps and Irving Blum in the 1950s and 1960s was the ultimate cultural touchstone for the magazine.
As of 2009 it has the largest circulation of any art magazine in the United States.
     As an erotica author, I have definitely experienced the stigma that comes with writing erotica. So many people confuse erotica with pornography. They are two completely different arenas. The same applies for erotic art. Sexuality is depicted as metaphors for other themes or concepts. The images are enthralling, captivating, fascinating, charismatic, disturbing and alluring. I found myself staring at images endlessly trying to interpret the artist's meaning behind the images. But...as an artist and writer, my main concern is not others approval...my concern is that it stirs some sort of reaction, regardless of what kind because it doesn't matter. And art, is all about interpretation...emotions...reactions. We're all going to see something different anyway, that's inevitable and it's also okay. If you love art, you'll love this book. If you love sexuality, you'll really love this book. This obviously is a book to add to  your collection or possibly start one.  
I recommend this book.


  1. Thanks for the origins on Juxtapoz. I will have to check the book out. Sounds like it would be a good gift for my KinkyGent.

    Btw...I LOVE the photo of you at the top of today's blog. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-x_F5CUsboOA/TkfimSOFfcI/AAAAAAAAAoE/I-YNlW_d9Iw/s728/Relaxing....jpg

    Your eyes are always large and expressive but something about this photo GRABS! me.


  2. Your very welcome!!!
    Thank you for the compliment too...
