Wild Child

Wild Child

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Profilin' ...

Profilin'...Check me out....Analyze me...Make assessments....
I'm not that easy to figure out! In the sphere of Me...my mind...my heart...my soul. The point of profilin' is to determine predictability, behaviors, mindset. Pleazzzze!!! Really, do we think that all females think alike, men think alike, Hispanics think alike, Blacks think alike, Caucasians think alike,  age group thinks alike? Delusional....Too many factors make us differ. Way too many! I may volunteer information, details that may help you understand me a bit better.  But, that byte of information will never be enough to provide a complete full comprehensible dossier of this Chica...comprende? I don't have life figured out, or myself or even love. I like change. Change is growth. Growth is uncomfortable. Growth is exciting too. It opens windows and doors to tremendous opportunities. Yes, let's keep the sphere spinning with all points balanced. I may need you to be my axial, to support our convergence together so it has purpose, meaning, functionality and beauty in the "we". Just know and remember that even minor evolutionary changes take place daily. 
So, don't waste your time checking me out, unless it's just for pleasure.
You make think we're unrelated...
Or, that I represent a theory or phenomena in your mind...
But, infinitely a highly perceptive profile...
Would lead you to an answer, with a finite limit...
Meaning, there's no overlap...
Your standing on the same ground...
Ahhh, our minds just met...
-Liz ; )

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