Battle of the Sexes
the beginning of time men and women have been trying to understand each
other. In the past, life was more simple and roles were
more defined. I would imagine that would have made things easier; only those who lived then could really feed us any pertinent information. In the now, life can be so complex, challenging, roles are reversed, intertwined, evolved, grey if you
will. Certainly, I am no expert. Just a
woman who lives and gains many experiences along the way. I come from as 25 year relationship. Thinking, I can speak
somewhat to the success of a relationship, or maybe not since it's
ending in divorce. What I can't do well is explain how a marriage full
of love, friendship and respect failed. How an intense love can
dissipate and two individuals grow apart as a result of neglect. I'm
struggling to understand the dynamics between
men and women. The irony is that we, men and women
both want the same things really... for the most part. Yet we consistently struggle in our
communication with each other every day. So, how do we get through this
battle of the sexes so both sides can win the war in love? Why can't it
be win win?
So Mars vs Venus for obvious
reasons, debating whether I should read any of those books. Never bothered because I
was in a solid relationship for so long. Now, I'm on the other side
of the fence and I think I may need to gain some insight, guessing I don't
know it all. Life... with its interesting turns, twisting diversity and differences upon us and between us. I've always been that woman who had many male friends. Women are so complex, I get them because I am one. Each of us with a unique DNA. You cannot be the same with every woman, nor every woman the same with every man. Yet, I'm compelled by men because they are far more simple. Simple is not always good, because like life everything is not black and white....there are many shades of grey. I am intricate enough for the making of three women. So, I tend to migrate to men more and have a small circle of female friends, like minded no doubt.
A second lease on life, huge opportunity for me to do so much. I should be sprinting forward, yet I'm moving like the tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race, talk about irony! I'm in a challenging position to accomplish so much. My drive and passion go deep. My failures only driving them deeper, so deep the darkness may be clouding my view. The bottom line is simple; it's to live more, love more, laugh more
and fight less! The means to get this, not so simple. It's called the game of life; the rules governed by the game of love. Like chess, many complex maneuvers can determine the outcome you desire, but it requires knowledge of your opponent and clever wit!
Let the games begin!
Hugs & Kisses...
No fists, unless you force me to ; ) ...
(Queen Elizabeth, if you reside in my kingdom! Lol, couldn't resist!)
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