Obscene Obsession
This is a fully loaded title, indeed. Very intense set of words. Conveniently, all revolving well around sexuality.
Risque is suggestive of sexual impropriety, a blue movie, blue jokes, a
juicy scandal, a naughty wink, naughty words, racy anecdotes, gamy
details, spicy gossip and even a risque story intended to arouse sexual
desire or interest. (You mean like an erotica story? ; ) Yep, just like that! )
is an enthusiastic admirer/follower, an ardent supporter, to induce a
liking for, fervently pursues an interest/activity, addict, fan, buff,
fanatic, fancier, fiend, fool, freak, sucker, habitue, hound, head,
junkie, lover, maniac, maven, and nut. (You mean like the guy checking out the boobs in the picture? ; ) Yep, just like that! )
Obscene is to have a tendency towards moral looseness, indecent
gestures, salacious remarks, abhorrent deeds,
behaviors/expressions/appearances that are impure, lewd, repulsive,
morally repugnant and offensive to chastity, modesty, delicacy and imply
sexual connotations. Sometimes so much so that it's viewed
as objectionable or outrageous. Although it's not always easily
defined because you can also know it once you see it. (Hmm, you mean like...never mind, not touching this one! ; ) Yep, that's smart! )
Obsession is an addiction to something with the inability to get over
it, accompanied by symptoms of anxiety. A compulsive preoccupation
with a fixed unreasonable idea, unwanted feeling or emotion. You cannot
help thinking of it, even though it creates significant distress.
Impulse continually presses it's way into consciousness. Will seem
unnatural or alien to those who have them and are not seen as delusions.
(You mean like how my boyfriend wants sex all day long and every day? ; ) What is he, a machine? Yep, could be ! LOL)
So who decides this offensiveness? The mass majority? Who is the mass
majority? With our world being so diverse what's offensive to one is not
offensive to another. So many factors contribute to this: sex, sexual
orientation, culture, religion, beliefs, non-beliefs, environment,
experiences, jobs, age, upbringing, etc. I think the real issue is
ignorance. Can we really say about ourselves, that we are flexible and
open-minded to those things we really don't understand? Automatically
most of us would say yes, I would. In retrospect there were things in my
life, people in my life, situations in my life that I could have tried
to understand better. Maybe asked more questions. Really listened to
gain insight. So my real answer is no, probably not. I have opportunity.
We all have opportunity. Ask yourself, why are you so offended exactly?
Why are you scared? Why don't you understand? What are you confused
about? Let's educate ourselves first and foremost, then honestly form an
opinion based on knowledge. By all means share that opinion; stand by
your beliefs. Life is full of surprises. Life is full of shock. Just when
I think nothing else will surprise or shock me, I prove myself wrong.
I've mentioned this before, that I never thought I'd be writing about
sex, or stories around sex. I must acknowledge I am a sexual person.
Alright, that's obvious no? Any creative person that works around
sexuality must be; whether it's a photographer, film maker, artist or
writer. But am I really more sexual than the next person? We all are
sensual beings. Naturally. Undeniably. Or is the only difference the
ability to express, expose and exchange those thoughts? Feelings?
Dreams? Fantasies? As I dive deeper into the world of erotica, I open my
eyes more to the nature of human sexuality, and its impact on us.
Whether you're conscious of its impact or not, is a different topic. The point
of this topic is just food for thought, okay, sex for thought. We're all
obscenely obsessed about something. Yes we are!
The question is...
Who's driving? What are you driving? When are you arriving? Where are you going? and Why are you on this trip?
The real adventure...
Quite possibly the simple dirt road, you just bypassed.
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