Well...probably better to say I feel like a Goddess. Although I believe every woman is a Goddess in her own right. I started taking self-portraits as a healing process after my marriage failed. That is when the artistic process once again started for me. I Have many talents but had not tapped into them since young adulthood. Forced to dig deep within myself for answers to my life; one day thoughts, feelings, ideas, visions and images just started pouring out of me. Somehow I wanted to capture moments of this metamorphosis in my photos...in my sculptures...in my art. My photos by no means are of high caliber, I don't claim them to be. Granted I'm working on evolving to high end cameras so I can learn and grow in that art. And...sure my ego was damaged from my separation but that was only a small part of why I did this. I needed to reaffirm for myself, by myself that I indeed was special in my own right and had much to offer the world and all those in my life. I am like any other person you know...the only difference is I am putting myself out there to share my heartache, my trials and tribulations. It has been hard for me to share my personal private self and it continues to be liberating. Where that will take me I have no idea but I hope the trip is FANTASTIC!!!
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