Ughhh...more like monsters sometimes!!! You men just frustrate the hell out of me!!! So men are from Mars and women from Venus...we all got that piece right? Both sexes feel that we can't live with or without each other right? The one thing I've learned, and understood early on is that when you meet a man, the way he is will be the way he is...always. He'll grow and change with time, naturally as we all do and must. His core being is the makeup of what makes him tick. We are a product of our environment and that's why there is so much variety in life. Ladies... do not think you're going to change him, you are completely kidding yourselves. If you really want to change him that much, then what the hell are you doing with him to begin with? It will take a lot more then nagging, bending, demanding and controlling him to be the way you want. So just accept them for what and how they are. I like that men are different then us; they look it, they act it, they think different and that makes them...them! That's why we are so attracted to them. However...you all knew this was coming! However, their simplicity can make them so simple minded that they just don't get us. It's when they simply don't do, the simple things that they complicate everything more and make it more difficult for us women to understand you. Like... call when you say you're going to call or when you make plans stick to those plans or if you reach out to someone and you get a response don't ignore the response or if you start a conversation don't just suddenly drop out of it, you're a part of it. I know... we women are complicated enough for both sexes! I agree. I love my green martians...can you just reign it in a few light years so we can all be on the same telepathic wave length?
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