Wild Child

Wild Child

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You Just Never Know...

For the New Yorkers...it is spring? Come on now!!! Snow flurries today??? LOL...thought maybe I'd have to pull out my parka. Anyway, it reminds me of the fact that you just never know...anything could happen at any moment. Will you be prepared for it when it does? You ask yourself, "how will I be prepared if I don't know it's coming?" Easy answer, it's all in your mindset. I'm an avid To Do List maker;  I have to be organized to be productive and I don't like procrastinating. I'd get riled up when I've planned out my day and unexpected things would happen, but such is life.  I no longer live by that creed, I still make lists but I do what's humanly possible and just deal with things as they come. If I can control the flow, then I pick the direction my boat will go and let the sails ride the wind. Attitude has so much impact on every aspect of your life. I believe that positivity breed's positivity, which means people are more receptive to you, supportive of you and many more doors will open for you. You WILL see; that which you could not, when your mind was tarnished by negativity...

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