Wild Child

Wild Child

Friday, August 19, 2011


Deviant....my twisted side? Yeah, I'd say that. We all have that side to us. You can see it in my eyes. I'm being deviant to my own standards. Trying to break the chains that have held me down. I've always been a free spirit. Wild? Hmm, possibly. Wild doesn't mean bad though. I have a good heart and I'm a good soul. My Libra scales have been tipped unevenly for quite awhile and I'm trying to bring back that balance. But...I also like the idea of tipping it to the other extreme first, just to see. To see what? Who knows? That's the point. My mouth has already been there and done that, holding back is not my forte. However, I'm good at following the rules, conforming and being political correct. There's advantages to that, that many deviants don't get...or they do, but don't give a crap. Since the tables have turned on me, I realize the party isn't the chips and dip on the table. Duh!!! Well, I already knew that! I just needed someone to bring sexy back! A partner in crime...so connected, we finish each others sentences. Can be a bad ass deviant when necessary. Push each other over the edge a bit, but catch me if I'm going to fall to fast or hard. If wild is feeling alive, I'm in like Flynn.
Twisted pretzels...
The prism of us...
Being defiantly deviant...

-Liz ; )

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