Wild Child

Wild Child

Monday, June 18, 2012

If The Stiletto Fits... P.1

I close the door behind me as I enter my office…
I’m so relieved the day is almost over…
I have such a headache…
Think my bun is wrapped too tight today…
Actually, my whole body…
I’m wearing a long-sleeve white woven layered in a black tailored business vest and a pencil skirt with a slit down the middle in the back…
The slit does nothing but look good…
Cuban heel sheer stockings with black trim and black stiletto pumps…
I can stand and walk fine but to sit in this is a little awkward…
I’m dying to let my hair down and strip down to my birthday suit…
I want to be a bad, bad girl tonight…
A hot bath and a glass of wine…
Maybe I’ll call a friend so I don’t have to be alone…
Nice massage…
I’m hungry but I’m so tired, I’d skip eating…
Walk over to the front of my desk…
I take a deep breath and sigh… Unbutton a few buttons…
I lean on the desk with both hands and bend over to stretch my back…
Look at the pile of work and become completely unmotivated…
I lift my right leg up and back to slip off my shoe for a bit…
I grab my heel and Vince just barges in…
“Now that’s what I’m talking about! Just beautiful! Keep that pose for me”…
He stands there, crosses his arms, puts his hand under his chin and slightly tilts his head to get a better angle of my ass…
“Caramel, you have a great ass. Actually, you’re just beautiful and I’ve already told you that how many times?” he asks…
Still hasn’t budged from his spot…
I put my leg down and compose myself…

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