Wild Child

Wild Child

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Ache...

X...marks the spot where the ache fills me. A sudden panic and overwhelming but, bubbling feeling takes over my mind. That... there are tougher roads ahead, that I know I will still have to face. My heart, a tight knot that attempts to release the tears that my mind refuses to obey.  The battle begins. And...yes, even I get scared and fear failure like anyone else. Innately...I tend to get rebellious by fighting back. Failure to me is not an option... in my eyes. Negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.  I have failed at many things, but I went down fighting. Some people, looked at me and said, "Walk away" and my reply would be, "I can't...I'm not built that way!". Until every attempt is tried...do I then raise my white flag. As I'm waving that white flag...enemy's guard coming down, when they least expect it...I'm right back up attacking the next battle. You see...life is small battles. Every battle under your belt, brings you closer to the end of the war. The peace you seek...shall be confiscated from the enemy!!! And... the wounds you suffered will be left with the shadow of the X...that marked the spot where the ache filled you.

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