Wild Child

Wild Child

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cop Out...

"Exclusively...Jill Scott"

So...this song makes me ask the question, why be in a monogamous relationship?
What makes a partner veer off to another sexual partner? What's the point?
Let me ask it again...What's the point? Variety is the spice of life? Cop out, if you ask me. Then blatantly you are not ready for commitment or there is some deep underlying issue that your in denial about as it pertains to your partner or yourself for that matter. Well, obviously something is missing. Either the love is gone, the passion and excitement are gone, real satisfaction/gratification sexually are gone, attraction is gone, your partner doesn't get you, understand you, read you well, either one or both aren't vocal, aren't upfront, aren't dealing with it, acknowledging it,  just plain  oblivious or they are just cold hearted self serving deceitful individuals.
Dig deep...something was there, something beautiful, something special for you both to connect.
Figure it out, talk it out, work it out,  move forward or it's time to disconnect.
I understand about financial responsibilities or family responsibilities and the many factors that can force people to stay together. I get it, trust me.

What I don't get... is the point! If there are no legal ties as in a marriage and you have the freedom to choose, then why choose a lie for a relationship then the truth as it is. Don't you both deserve that?
Either way its worth it, you salvage a relationship or you salvage yourself.
Food for thought...

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